NEL First Bi-weekly Report of September

robbie wang
The Neo Pulse
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2018


General Airdrop/Dividend Tool

Added a block height mark when dropping.

Added the function of aquiring the balance of a certain asset at a certain height of an address.

Testnet NNC dividends function was tested.


Testing and bug fixes are in progress.

Due to market conditions, we will suspend the mass production plan. We will send some existing NEODUN to the community enthusiasts.

NEL Technology Community (BBS)

The NEL Community Developer Forum was established to allow developers to engage in neo-related blockchain technology learning discussions. At present, the website has been completely set up, waiting for the domain name to be filed and open for use.

NEL wallet

Updated the design and implementation of the dividend page.

Optimized some English descriptions.

Added tutorials in both Chinese and English.


Added the multi-sig feature of the web version.


Completed the trial tool of the Bancor protocol and began an experimental study of the Bancor protocol.


The new system “ Conqueror “ has been developed and will be updated in September.

Due to the BUG in the cooling CD, we will provide a manual recovery method for the customer after the Conqueror is updated to help the user recover.

The official NEO CGAS contract was officially released, and the next update will be switching the existing SGAS to the official CGAS contract.

In the subsequent version of SLG gameplay planning, it will take some time to complete the planning, and will be announced after the planning is completed.


First, the platform development progress

1. Improved the demo version of the unfinished function, game information display, forum posting function and other functions

2. Developer background development, development for the purpose of the cryptogladiator’s access to the platform, and generate technical documentations.

3. Official website ZoroChain page was updated.

4. Developer background UI design

5. Developer background corresponding to game pre-sale UI design

6. Smart Exchange UI Optimization

7. Added a hyperlink to view technical documentation in the background (connected to GITHUB)

8. Completed all background functions except the qualification certificate

9. Added the section showing the progress of a game development

10. “Transaction Data” was renamed to “Virtual Assets”

11.The developer’s own published token data and purchase function were added to the virtual asset interface.

12. Provided developer self-media links

13. Adjusted forum entry and outbound mode

14. The company official website English version was completed

15. Exchange-related UI design

Second, at present, it’s confirmed that 23 DApp games will be listed on BlaCat.

