NEO Consensus Node Page Updated to Speed up Decentralization Progress

The Neo Pulse
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2018

As NEO is pushing forward with its decentralization in line with the schedule, we seek to improve our transparency by keeping the public updated about the status of consensus nodes. Therefore, NEO consensus node page was updated by NGD today for NEO community to get a quick overview of the status of NEO consensus nodes and get Involved in our governance.

NEO consensus node page:

The How to Become a NEO Consensus Node docs released by NGD this month defines the role NEO token holders play in “on-chain governance” and “off-chain governance”. As an increasing amount of NEO held by NEO Foundation is to be unlocked, they will flow into the market and add to the amount of NEO in circulation. Given that, we will see a growing number of NEO holders who seek to function as consensus nodes to play a role in NEO governance.

NEO consensus node page contains a portal for consensus node application where NEO holders may file applications as per instructions given in the docs.

The page is a valid source of candidates info and running status of consensus nodes that NEO holders may access to govern NEO network in an informed way. They may choose to vote in on the candidates and the consensus nodes already deployed on NEO to enhance the decentralized governance of NEO.

The current 7 consensus nodes running on the NEO MainNet consists of 6 hosted by NEO Foundation and 1 hosted by NEO developer community CoZ. The 7 nodes running on the TestNet is made up of 2 maintained by NEO Foundation, 1 by NEO Global Development, 2 by CityOfZion, 1 by KPN and 1 by Swisscom Blockchain.

Voting in on KPN as MainNet consensus node will start soon. NEO holders are welcome to give your precious vote.

Apply here to become a consensus node:

