NEO Monthly Report — September 2019

The Neo Pulse
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2019

Major Highlights

NEO Development


  • Launched NEO3 Preview1 and its TestNet.
  • Moderated discussions around topics such as NEO Governance, NeoID, NEO3 Migration, TPS Enhancement, Oracle and NeoFS Integration, during NEO Community Assembly 2019.
  • Completed the PoC demo for cross-chain protocol with Ontology.
  • Discussed and designed Voting System and Incentive Mechanism.
  • Participated in discussion and design of NEO3 built-in oracle solution.
  • C# SDK development for NEO3, 80% completed.
  • Assisted the developer community developing JS SDK for NEO3, 60% completed.
  • Performance testing and enhancements.
  • 50 New Unit Tests for NEO3 added.
  • Celer integration, writing of eChannel module.


  • Released Neo-plugin-v2.10.3.
  • Tutorials now available under “Technical Documents” on NEO official website.

Community Contribution and Developer’s Experience

NEO Saint Petersburg Competence Centre

NEO Development Progress:

  • NEO2.X: NeoFS alpha version has been implemented with NEP-5 token to emulate GAS in NEO3.
  • NEO3: Contribution to the Oracles protocol proposal for integration with NEO3 in the smart contract.

New Releases and Updates:

  • Internal Proof-of-Concept alpha testing for NEO development community, 23rd Sep.
  • NeoFS Testnet launch, 30th Sep.
  • Send.NeoFS: service demo launch, 30th Sep.
  • NeoFS HTTP-gate alpha release.
  • NeoFS Proof-of-Concept (alpha) release, 4th Sep.

NEO Community Assembly 2019:

  • NeoFS presentation about the NeoFS architecture.
  • Demonstration of NeoFS SDK and NeoFS Proof-of-Concept release .
  • Participation at NEO Community Assembly press conference.
  • Participation in discussion on Oracles protocol proposal.


  • Presentation and lecture of NEO SPCC about its projects (NeoFS, NeoGO) at Saint Petersburg State University, faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, 27th Sep.
  • Discussion on potential collaboration between NEO SPCC and the faculty, open research problems proposal to university researchers.


  • Two scientific papers were published by academic members of NeoResearch, one related to Consensus and another one related to privacy on home chains. They will be presented October at The International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD).
  • Experimental NeoCompiler-Eco with a NEO3 privatenet running in 300ms per block. Further experiments are under analysis. An important achievement related to all improvements held on NEO3 and previous efforts for NEO to use Akka.Net.
  • NeoResearch submitted a report related to On-Chain governance, still under analysis. This report comments about novel strategies and incentives to increase the number of nodes while making network more open (decentralized) and stable.
  • Initial studies on Zero Knowledge methods, in particular, starting a partnership with the non-profit SciChain project, focused on promoting an environment for Science on the Blockchain.


  • Implemented the getapplicationlog JSON-RPC method to enable users to read responses/results from the NEO blockchain.
  • First release of the neow3j documentation website (work-in-progress).
  • Release of 2.3.0.


  • Wrapping up on NEOLine mobile development.
  • Re-designed UX for asset selection and remaining balance for transfer.
  • Adjusted UI for wallet and transfer pages.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Participated in NEO Community Assembly 2019.
  • NEXT online technical class: Episode 32.
  • NEXT online sharing: Episode 8.


  • Released Neoray2.0 with fixes and support for English versions.
  • Released Teemo 1.3.0, adding sendScript and deployContract.
  • Added blockchain browser support for NEO3 TestNet, new version will launch soon.
  • Participated in NEO Community Assembly 2019.


  • NEO2: Devpack, NEO-Compiler and NEO-GUI source code audits.
  • Research: 3 Denial of Service attacks.
  • Launched NEO Honeypot.
  • New updates on NeoStats, Neo-Resilience.
  • BTConf Workshop Barcelona Trading Conference.
  • Participated in NEO Community Assembly 2019.

Infrastructure(NGD Seattle)

  • NEO Blockchain Toolkit for .NET preview release updates for download.
  • NEO F5 Experience Workshop at the IEEE Blockchain Summit in Washington DC, USA .
  • NEO Blockchain Toolkit for .NET preview at the .NET Conf 2019.


Online Activities

NEO official website redesign — 90% completed.

Offline Events

  • 2–6 September, NEO held its inaugural NEO Community Assembly, inviting representatives from NEO development communities to join discussions and collaborations in Shanghai.
  • 5 September, NEO debuted NEO•ONE, NeoFS, and the NEO Blockchain Toolkit during the press conference of its inaugural NEO Community Assembly.
  • 5 September, NEO held a “Blockchain in China” themed Symposium. Leaders from 7 prominent public chain platforms came together for in-depth discussions on industry trends, blockchain mass-adoption, as well as government policies and regulations.
  • 11 September, NEO EcoGrowth Director Wang Jiachao attended “Consensus Singapore” with the NEO team, and gave a speech on “Building a Flourishing NEO Ecosystem”.
  • 22 September, NEO JOY 2019 went to Chengdu, NEO Eco partners and projects joined the crowd to discuss the liquidity and security aspects of blockchain assets.
  • 23–25 September, John deVadoss, Head of NGD Seattle attended .NET Conference 2019 to introduce NEO Blockchain Toolkit for .NET and NEO3.
  • Denis Suslov, NEO EcoGrowth Manager was invited by to attend an online Q&A together with Arkane Network.
  • Nikkor Wang, NEO EcoGrowth Manager was invited by Laya.FairyLand and HDKT to attend the inaugural “Stable Coin+Game Ecosystem Forum”. He also attended a panel themed “Stable Coin and Blockchain Games”.

NEO Ecosystem

Project Collaborations

  • Magnum wallet now supports NEP-5 standard.
  • Ryu Games now supports NEP-11, released over 100 NFT assets.
  • NEO partners with Celer Network, to explore layer-2 solutions together.

New Projects

  • NEO-based digital gold project Novem stared China Roadshow during Shanghai Blockchain Week in Shanghai.
  • First launched on NEO, Mixmarvel FPS game “Ground Hunter” pre-sale started in September, public testing starting soon.
  • After debuting during NEO GameCon in Japan March 2019, the pre-sales website is officially launched for blockchain racing game “CryptoFast”. Development for NEO NFT wallets and NFT assets are also completed.


New Exchanges

  • OnBlock listing NEO

