NEO Tracker Recent Update Roundup

Catherine B.
NEO Tracker
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2020

NEO Tracker TestNet Version is Live

We recently launched the TestNet version of NEO Tracker at The same clean and responsive UI that users love about NEO Tracker can now be used to explore the Neo TestNet chain.

The NEO Tracker TestNet version is primarily of benefit to smart-contract developers using the Neo blockchain. Developers who deploy and invoke their smart-contracts on the Neo TestNet can view the contracts, transactions and invocations on This helps to indicate how contracts, transactions and invocations would appear on NEO Tracker if deployed and invoked on the Neo MainNet.

This will also benefit NEO•ONE users, who will now be able to use our Neo TestNet node implementation at to deploy their smart-contracts.

Adding Optional Network Fees Now Available

If you are sending a transaction via NEO Tracker you may notice there is now an option to add a network fee. Transactions are free on Neo, but in some cases adding a small network fee may be useful in the success of your transaction.

In most cases if your transaction is failing it may be due to the node it is communicating with, network traffic or the size (number of inputs and outputs) of your transaction. In the latter two cases adding an optional network fee may be useful to you.

The minimum fee is 0.001 GAS. If the transaction is failing due to size then the minimum fee is 0.001 GAS plus 0.00001 GAS per byte of the transaction. Note the fee is completely optional and usually unnecessary. You can read more about the network fee tool on our FAQ page.

NEO Tracker FAQ Page

We also recently updated the FAQ page to include more details for using the NEO Tracker Wallet. In addition, we will be updating this page regularly based on frequently asked support questions. If you have a question about NEO Tracker Wallet or Explorer check out the FAQ page. If your question is not answered there we offer support through Facebook or Twitter!

For additional updates follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

