Drawing graphs with Arrows.app

Arrows.app is a new tool from Neo4j Labs. It’s an easy way to draw pictures of graphs for web pages, documentation or presentations.

Alistair Jones
Neo4j Developer Blog
5 min readJan 12, 2021


Written by: Alistair Jones and İrfan Nuri Karaca

Example of the kinds of graph you can draw with Arrows.app

In this blog post, we’re going to take a short tour of the features, and show some of the useful things you can do with the tool.

Starting Arrows.app

To use Arrows.app, navigate to arrows.app in a modern web browser. Chrome, Safari or Firefox are recommended.

Your first graph starts with one empty node in the middle of the screen:

Creating nodes

To create more nodes, you can click the “Add Node” button to the right side of the screen:

However, you won’t need to use this button very often, because usually it’s easiest to create new nodes automatically when creating new relationships.

Creating relationships

To create relationships, you need to hover just outside the node (halo) and then drag to create them like this:

Drag to create relationship

This creates a new relationship, and also a new node. If you hover the new node over an existing node, the relationship will connect to the existing node instead of creating a new node. This makes it easy to make connections in your graph, for example to form a triangle:

Connect to an existing node

Lining things up

You drag nodes to move them around. Dashed lines appear to help you line them up nicely.

Guides help to arrange nodes

Node captions and relationship types

Double-click on a node to start adding text. Alternatively, if you have a node selected, you can just press Enter.

Adding a node caption

To finish editing, press escape, or click away.

Relationships work the same way; you can double click or press enter to start typing text.

Adding a relationship type

Relationship Direction

Relationship arrows appear in the direction that they were drawn. If you need them in the opposite direction, use the “reverse” button.

Reverse Relationship Type

Labels and properties

In Neo4j we use labels to distinguish different types/roles of nodes. Add labels using the “+ Label” button:

Both nodes and relationships can have properties. Add properties using the “+ Property” button:


By default, the graphs you draw will look like the examples above: simple and bold, suitable for a quick sketch. The “Choose Theme” button reveals a number of other styles that may look better for the specific graph that you are drawing:

Themes for styling the graph

You can override styles in the theme by adjusting the parameters in the inspector on the right hand side of the window. Changes you make in the inspector apply to selected nodes and relationships. For example, use this to change the colour of a node.

Setting node colour

If you have nothing selected, then the whole graph is affected. For example, if you don’t care around the direction of relationships in your graph, change “directionality” to “undirected” to hide all the arrow heads.

Setting directionality

Exporting Images

The “Download / Export” button gives you files to download or share in various formats.

The PNG images are available in several resolutions, and cropped to exactly the edge of the graph. PNG images are perfect for presentations — paste them into Powerpoint or Google Slides.

There is also SVG export in case you need a vector graphics format. This is very useful if you want to tweak the image after export. For example, if you import into Sketch, each of the individual elements is still editable.

Cypher and Neo4j

Graphs naturally live in a Neo4j database. Arrows.app makes it easy to create a small graph in your Neo4j database by creating a Cypher statement for you. Click the “Download / Export” button choose the Cypher tab. You get the full data, including all the labels and properties if you have set them. Copy and paste the Cypher or, if you have Neo4j Desktop running, use the super-convenient “Run in Neo4j Browser” button.

Wrapping up

So to recap, you can use Arrows to create PNG, SVG or Cypher. They are great for using in presentations, documents, or to create Neo4j graphs.

Uses for Arrows.app

To see all this in action, watch the short demo video on YouTube:

