Load Testing Neo4j procedures with Apache JMeter

Nicolas Mervaillie
Neo4j Developer Blog
3 min readNov 5, 2019

Apache JMeter is a popular, open source application to load test functionality and measure performance. It started off with the intent of testing Web Applications but its widespread use and availability of reports and visualizers saw it expand to supporting the testing of various protocols including databases via JDBC.

JMeter would be very suitable to test Neo4j procedures as well — often, procedures are not load tested early enough and there aren’t very straightforward ways of testing them for performance. So to celebrate the first ever Global GraphHack 2019, we extended JMeter to provide support for the Bolt protocol and the execution of Cypher queries, and hence, procedures.

This extension has been integrated in the JMeter codebase and will be available in the 5.2 release. In the meantime, you can test it using a release candidate.

The JMeter Bolt protocol support

The new bolt protocol support adds 2 new elements to the JMeter UI: the Bolt connection configuration and the Bolt Sampler.

Database connection configuration

The first thing to do is to configure Neo4j connection parameters.

This configuration is done through the Bolt Connection Configuration, which you just need to add at the root of your test plan. It will automatically handle the database driver initialization and make sure it is cleaned up after the test.

The Neo4j connection configuration

At the moment, the configuration is fairly basic and you cannot configure additional parameters. But the driver defaults are quite good out of the box and allow you to run a reasonable benchmark.


Once the configuration part is done, we can now define what our actual load test will do. In JMeter this is done through samplers, and in our Neo4j case, with Bolt Request samplers. Each sampler contains a Cypher query, along with its parameters.

The Bolt request configuration

The parameters have to be provided in JSON format, where the keys must match the query parameters. The JSON values in the example above are JMeter variables, and in this case, are dynamically replaced with the values coming from a CSV dataset. Other forms of JMeter variable substitution are also supported, such as User Defined Variables.

We strongly recommend using query parameters, as they allow the database to cache the query execution plans and get better performance.

There is also an additional option “Record Query Results”, in case you’d like to store/display the data returned by the query. By default, this option is disabled to minimize memory usage, and avoid iterating through the entire result set.

Note that a sampler has to be nested within a thread group that controls the concurrency of the test. In this example, we have JMeter spawn 20 threads that will execute our query in parallel.

Running the test plan

Once the sampler(s) are ready, we can add a couple of reporting elements to gather statistics at runtime, and start the load test.

In the screenshot below, while our test running, we can monitor the number of queries executed, the response times, error rates, etc.

Live performance results while the load test is running

Load testing best practices

In this blog post we went through a very simple example. If you are going to do more advanced testing, make sure to follow JMeter best practices such as running the test in CLI mode, disabling the “View Results Tree” listener, or do proper validation on query results.

Make sure to check them out on the JMeter website https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/best-practices.html

What’s next

The bolt support will be available in JMeter 5.2, which will be released soon.

The example presented here is available at Github, feel free to use it as a bootstrap for your tests.

We welcome feedback and suggestions, and hope you find this useful. Happy load testing! 🚀 🚀 🚀



Nicolas Mervaillie
Neo4j Developer Blog

Principal Consultant at Neo4j and software engineer. Co-author of the book “Neo4j — A Graph Project Story”, occasional speaker, meetup organizer.