New Neo4j Community Site & Forum

We are very excited to announce our brand-new Neo4j Community. You can ask and answer technical questions, post projects and articles you published, and collaborate on meeting each other in local communities.

Michael Hunger
Neo4j Developer Blog
2 min readAug 24, 2018


Technical Help Forum

Before you continue reading, please go to the site and create an account with your social logins. It would be great if you could introduce yourself and start looking around.

Neo4j Community Forum Intro Video

If you ask questions please post in the correct category, but search first if your question has already been answered. It is also helpful if you add additional tags, please share all details you have for others to understand and reproduce your question. Each category also an introductory message, with a number of helpful links.

Community Engagement

Check out the local groups and if you have any, share your projects and published blog posts. Going forward we will also award badges for engagement.

Why did we move?

As our user slack grew to 8750 members, it became more and more difficult to answer questions properly, and many discussions descended into private messages. Also, the 10.000 message limit made it impossible to find out if a question was already answered, and required the helpful folks to repeat themselves time and again. Others that encountered the same issues, came to the same conclusion and moved to a dedicated forum, several of those also to Discourse as we did. Going forward, we will reduce the number of slack channels and reduce our interactions to some casual chat.

Looking forward to see you on our new Community Site!

If you have any questions please ask in the Feedback category or email us at



Michael Hunger
Neo4j Developer Blog

A software developer passionate about teaching and learning. Currently working with Neo4j, GraphQL, Kotlin, ML/AI, Micronaut, Spring, Kafka, and more.