NODES 2021 Is Coming, and We Need You!

Ljubica Lazarevic
Neo4j Developer Blog
4 min readFeb 23, 2021

The Neo4j Online Developer Expo and Summit is back for the third year running on June 17, and we want to hear your graph story.

*UPDATED 26 March 2021**

Need some help?

What is NODES?

Neo4j Online Developer Expo and Summit (NODES) is our key developer conference. First launched in 2019, it is a multi-track developer extravaganza where Neo4j users from around the world come to share what they’ve been building, applications of Neo4j to solve graphy problems, community-developed projects and much more.

Last year we attracted over 13,000 registrations to our conference, supported by over 30 community groups from across the globe. This year, NODES is going to be even bigger. Be a part of it!

Why Submit?

There are many reasons for submitting a talk to nodes, including:

  • The opportunity to tell your story: Did you learn something new? Or there were challenges that you overcame? Let us know the lessons you learned in your own words.
  • Inspire the community: We have many amazing community champions who provide insight, develop best practices and share their experiences.
  • Boost your reputation as a graphista: Show the world your graph-wielding credentials on a global stage.

The Format

This will be a live, multi-track event, consisting of full and lighting-length talks. Sessions will be technically-focussed and we welcome talks from getting started, through to full-stack implementations. If you are not able to do your talk live, we have provisions for streaming recorded sessions.

We will have two types of sessions:

  • 30-minute talks, with additional time for Q&A
  • 10-minute lightning talks
fotografierende on Unsplash

What Kind of Thing Should I Submit?

Maybe you’ve built a new connector. Perhaps you’ve developed a graph-based stack. Or, you’ve gone down a well-traveled track. But you did it your way and are sharing your experiences. Whether it’s old or new, it’s unique to you, and we want to hear about it! It could be about that time you did a major data migration. Or that insightful discovery you found applying data science approaches. Maybe you’ve built a new framework or connector and want to tell the world about it.

With lots of exciting areas to explore, we’re looking forward to see talks on all topics graphy. Don’t be afraid to be technical!

Tell me about my potential audience

The NODES audience will be largely technical. They are varied, including software developers, engineers, data scientists, architects. Some bring years of Neo4j experience, others will be taking their first steps on their graph journey. Think about what subset of this audience you are presenting to, and what thoughts you’d like them to be leaving with.

Looking for inspiration?

You X Ventures on Unsplash

So you’re keen to submit a paper, but you’re not quite sure on what? Perhaps the following will help get those creative juices flowing.

Check out the talks from previous NODES conferences

We have a wonderful collection of talks from NODES 2019 and NODES 2020. Check out the schedules and playlists below:

Get inspiration from questions and discussions from the community forum and Stack overflow

Does a question commonly come up? Has there been queries on best practices? Maybe it’s time to explore that killer platform integration. Why not explore the postings from users and community members:

Ask the community

Another option might be to ask the community for suggestions. There may even be opportunities for a collaborative talk!

I Need a Little Help…

Not to worry, help is at hand!

How Long Have I Got?

The closing date is April 5 at 23:30 UTC. Get your submissions in quick!

We look forward to receiving your submission!

