This Week in Neo4j — 7th July 2018
Neo4j Morpheus, Data Structures and Algorithms with Dr Jim Webber, Google Cloud Launcher Demo, English to Cypher with Tensorflow
Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.
If you have suggestions of things you’d like to see in future editions or any questions let me know.
Cheers, Mark
Featured Community Member: Estelle Joubert
This week’s featured community member is Estelle Joubert, Associate Professor at Dalhousie University. Estelle is a musicologist, which means that she studies music and culture, and has a particular focus on opera and political theory.
Estelle is the principal investigator for a large-scale team-run project entitled Opera and the Musical Canon, which uses Neo4j. The database is used to visualize relationships between people (composers, singers, publishers) and operatic objects (scores, reviews, images), offering a nuanced ‘picture’ of how operatic fame was generated prior to 1800.
Estelle was recently interviewed on the Graphistania podcast where she explains the project in more detail and describes some of the queries the projects aims to answer which made them switch over from a relational database.
On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks for all your work and good luck with your project Estelle!
Follow Estelle on Twitter
Weave Together Graph and Relational Data in Apache Spark
The video from David Allen and Amy Hodler‘s Spark Summit talk about Neo4j Morpheus is now available.
In the talk they explain this upcoming tool which will make it possible to weave together graph and relational data in Apache Spark. They go on to explain use cases where this approach will work well, such as getting a 360 degree view of a customer, before doing some live demos of the technology.
Neo4j Morpheus is still in early access mode, so send an email to if you’d like to participate and I’ll get you in touch with the right people.
English -> Cypher using a neural network
In David Mack‘s latest post he shows how to translate English to Cypher using the magic of sequence-to-sequence translation.
The trained model is able to perform reasoning tasks such as recalling properties of objects, counting, finding shortest paths, and determining if two objects have a relationship.
Read the blog post
Neo4j Internals: Linked lists, trees, and hash maps.
Dr Jim Webber has started a series of videos where he explains the data structures and algorithms used by Neo4j.
He starts with a look at linked lists, trees, and hash maps.
How deletes work in Neo4j
This week from the Neo4j Knowledge base we have an article explaining how deletes work in Neo4j.
This article explains what happens when you delete nodes, relationships, and properties, and why, contrary to expectations, you will see the amount of space taken on the filesystem increase when doing bulk delete operations.
Learn how deletes work
Google Cloud — Neo4j Causal Cluster Launch Demo
David Allen has created a video in which he demos how to launch a new Neo4j Causal Cluster on Google Cloud Platform.
This uses the Launcher capability of Google Cloud along with the Deployment Manager to deploy a cluster of three Neo4j instances for highly-scalable graph queries.
Analysing the World Cup with Neo4j Bloom
With the release of Neo4j Bloom last week I thought I’d make a quick video showing how to use it to explore the World Cup Graph.
I show how to describe some simple graph patterns, visually detect England’s hat trick scorers, and conclude by demonstrating how you can write your own custom Cypher queries and expose them as search phrases.