Training Week Is Just Around the Corner!

Ljubica Lazarevic
Neo4j Developer Blog
3 min readSep 7, 2021

Starting on September 13, we are back with a week of live, hands-on training. From writing your very first graph database query to using machine learning to build a knowledge graph, we’ve got you covered.

What’s It All About?

Hot on the trail of a very successful Pre-NODES week of training, we are back once again to deliver a series of bite-sized, hands-on *LIVE* sessions for you to join. All sessions assume no/little experience with Neo4j and Cypher — this is a great opportunity to have your first experience with all things graphs!

Each session starts at 1 p.m. UTC/GMT (9 a.m. EDT | 2 p.m. BST | 3 p.m. CEST | 6:30 p.m. IST | 9 p.m. SGT). All sessions are two hours long each.

If you know a friend, colleague, or acquaintance who’d also be interested, please let them know!

Let’s dive in and see what’s on offer.

Monday, September 13th — Hands-on Introduction to Neo4j

Heard about graph databases? Curious about what they are and how they work? Want to know where they’re best used? Then this is the session for you!

In this workshop we will:

  • Introduce you to graph databases
  • Cover approaches for identifying graph-shaped problems
  • Get our hands on our very first graph database experience where we will load and query data, using Neo4j Aura Free

We’ll also cover what resources are available and how to continue your graph journey.

We recommend that you use either Neo4j Sandbox or Neo4j Aura Free tier for this session. Both of these services are completely free, and require no download or installation.

[Register now for this session!]

Tuesday, September 14th — Hands-on with Neo4j Aura Free Tier

Interested in testing a project, building a proof-of-concept, or playing with a graph database — all without handling database administration yourself? Neo4j Aura Free tier is the option for this and so much more, without any fees or costs of any kind to you!

In this hands-on session, we will cover the following:

  • What Aura is, what’s provided with free tier, and how to access it
  • How to manage and monitor the database from the control board
  • How to import data, run queries, and interact with the database
  • How to connect to the database from other sources (like Desktop, drivers, and more)
  • How to access and deploy an application for the database (time permitting)

We will also show you where and how to find help and other information specific to using Neo4j in the cloud!

[Register now for this session!]

Wednesday, September 15th — Getting Started with Neo4j Bloom

Want to get started with Neo4j Bloom? Keen to visualize your data? Then this is the session for you!

In this workshop we will:

  • Introduce you to Neo4j Bloom and how it works
  • Show you how to create and set up a perspective
  • How to customize what you show and hide away from users
  • Get the most out of your Data Science visualizations

We recommend that you use Neo4j Sandbox for this session. This service is completely free and requires no download or installation.

[Register now for this session!]

Thursday, September 16th — Build APIs with Neo4j GraphQL Library

Want to know how GraphQL and Neo4j work hand in glove?

During this hands-on session we will explore:

  • What is GraphQL and how to build GraphQL APIs
  • Building Node.js GraphQL APIs backed by a native graph database using the Neo4j GraphQL Library
  • Adding custom logic to our GraphQL API using the @cypher schema directive and custom resolvers
  • Adding authentication and authorization rules to our GraphQL API
  • Using the Neo4j GraphQL OGM (Object Graph Mapper) for type-safe database interactions without using Cypher

While not strictly required, some familiarity with Node.js, GraphQL, and Neo4j will be helpful.

[Register now for this session!]

Friday, September 17th — Create a Knowledge Graph: A Simple ML Approach

Interested in knowledge graphs? Want to have a go at building one based on NLP processes?

During this session, we’ll start with unstructured text and end with a knowledge graph in Neo4j using standard Python packages for Natural Language Processing. From there, we will explore what can be done with that knowledge graph using the tools available with the Graph Data Science Library.

[Register now for this session!]

We hope to see you at any or all of these sessions!

