The “Moneyball” Solution to Hiring

Tyler Brokamp
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2020

We have seen the healthcare industry grow and adapt to a more holistic approach to patient care but hiring processes need a revolution. Elena Butler and Shreya Kangovi provide insight into rectifying the hiring process in their HBR article, Health Care Providers are Hiring the Wrong People. Specifically, they point out the failure to invest in hiring for the “full-spectrum” of traits, resulting in a workforce that isn’t optimized for the job. They provide 4 steps to hire an effective workforce in healthcare:

Match Hiring to the Problems You Need to Solve

We agree, this is an approach that should be taken in any industry. However, making sure the candidate understands the problem is just as important. A lack of transparency can result in a disgruntled and confused employee.

Know Where to Look

Butler and Kangovi state an alternative to job boards and employment websites. They express the need to look at the traits needed for the open position. The example they gave was Enterprise, who needed team players so they looked for student-athletes. In healthcare, they suggest spreading jobs through YMCAs, soup kitchens, and community-based organizations. While this is certainly a great place to look, job boards and websites should not be counted out. If you are looking for a medical assistant, medical secretary, medical coder, or even nurses a great place to start looking would be in the volunteer organizations.

Use the Right Assessment Tools

Hiring managers need a way other than a resume to understand personality and soft skills that aren’t reflected in a resume. One way we are seeing this accomplished in other industries is through personality or aptitude tests. While a lot of the material from those does not necessarily transfer over to the healthcare industry, there have been various strides in assessing the traits versus the skills in healthcare.

The last point and the most important to us is the idea of Human Resources as a Leadership Function

At NeoBloom, we are developing ways to bridge human resources and healthcare so you don’t have these challenges that have been mentioned above. We understand hiring brings many challenges, especially in healthcare, and especially if you have your own practice. Hiring rests on your shoulders and can take time away from your busy day. This can deter people from opening up their own practice. We want to give you that time back and instill confidence in your hiring. Patient care should be your highest priority. We help you focus on that priority by making hiring fast and easy.

The Moneyball Revolution

In the HBR article, Butler and Kangovi mention a “Moneyball” revolution. A play on Billy Beane’s Oakland A’s team. We believe we have the solution to create this revolution in healthcare. Hiring Accelerator™ offers the tools to hire your favored candidate and build a relationship between successful candidates and hiring managers before the first day. Through our interactive salary data, secure chat interface, and capability to send mobile offers you can be the Billy Beane of hiring. You can sign up for a trial at

