Discovery of The Cycle

In October 1900 Max Planck accidentally discovers “The Atoms of Reality”

Kieran D. Kelly
3 min readOct 2, 2019


Planck’s “Quantum of Action”
Planck’s “Quantum of Action”

In the year 1900, the German physicist Max Karl Ludwig Planck accidentally uncovered something that he didn’t expect to find. And when he found it, he did not really know what it actually was.

In October 1900, Max Planck had managed to empirically fit a mathematical formula to the observed data for the distribution of frequencies associated with the thermal radiation given off by hot objects.

Having found a formula that fitted the data, he immediately set about trying to derive the same formula theoretically (in order to understand the actual physics behind the mathematics). By December he had cracked it, but what he found was something that seemed to go against everything he knew about physics…

What Planck discovered was a constant quantity that appeared to “quantize” the intensity of energy at any given frequency.

Planck presented his findings to the German Physical Society on the 14 December 1900; which was seemingly met with an underwhelming response.

As a matter of fact, it seems that Planck didn’t give this new physical quantity a huge amount of thought either. Planck assumed that he had stumbled upon some form of mathematical “trick” that got his theoretical derivation to work, and he pretty much left it at that.

The quantity that Planck had stumbled upon is now known as “Planck’s Constant” and is represented by the letter “h”. In retrospect, we now know that Planck’s Constant ultimately led to the birth of Quantum Physics, and (h) has become one of the most important quantities in all of physics.

And yet, despite all of this importance, most people still don’t really know what the “abstract mathematical constant” actually represents in the real physical world. It is usually thought of as being the “quantum of action” relating to the quantization of light and matter. This definition is accurate, but nowhere close to the full story.

So what is the full story?

Well the full story is, we believe, the story of the very nature of reality itself. And in the coming months, we hope to show that what Planck discovered, back in December 1900, was nothing short of THE fundamental building block of all things in the universe!

What Planck discovered was the “Quantum of Action”; the FUNDAMENTAL CYCLE of Dynamic Geometry — The Source of all Energy, all Mass, all Gravity, and all Time.

Energy, Mass, and Gravity, we will come back to. But first of all let us have a look at “TIME”. And for that, we will need to talk about Special Relativity.

© Kieran D. Kelly

This is Post #1 in the series on NeoClassical Quantum Theory

