Limits of The Cycle

From Minimum Existence to Maximum Existence

Kieran D. Kelly
NeoClassical Physics
5 min readOct 7, 2019


Maximum Existence Equation
Maximum Existence Equation

Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Wave Equation is traditionally read as a three-dimensional wave equation containing a fixed speed of light. An alternative way to read the mathematics is that

Maxwell’s 3D Wave Equation contains a Fixed 3D Speed.

NeoClassical Relativity (NCR) is based on this interpretation of Maxwell’s mathematics.

In previous posts, I introduced the two postulates of NeoClassical Relativity.

The first postulate is that: The Speed of Light is a three-dimensional combination of the Speed of Oscillation and Speed of Linear Travel. Mathematically, this postulate can be written as the “3D Speed Equation”

Equation (1) ________________ c² = u² + v²

{Where u is the speed of oscillation in two spatial dimensions, and, v is the speed of travel in the third.}

The second postulate states that: The Oscillation-Length of a 3D Cycle is a Fixed Quantity. Mathematically, this postulate leads to the “3D Length Equation”

Equation (13) _____________ (λ-c)² = (λ-min)² + (λ-v)²

{Where, λ-c is the cycle-length, λ-v is the wave-length, and λ-min equals 2π times the Planck Lengthwhich equates to a length of 1.0155 x 10⁻³⁴ meters.}

Photons and Infinite Time

It is currently believed that photons of light do not experience “Time” because light travels at c.

However, as was shown in the previous post, the postulates of NCR dictate that all cycles must have some duration, a duration given by

Equation (23) ____________ T = (c/u)(T-min)

This equation tells us that the duration of a cycle increases as a thing moves faster; meaning that: the lower the frequency of a thing the more “Time” it will experience per cycle. However,

The duration (T) cannot be infinite, for to be so would require the speed of oscillation to be zero; and without a cycle of oscillation, there can be no physical existence…

Thus photons are, in reality, NOT “Timeless”, just oscillating relatively slowly and, moving very very fast…

Fast Things

We can see from equation (13) that at very high linear speeds the cycle-length (λc) is virtually all wave-length (λv) and only a tiny percentage is associated with the oscillation-length (λ-min).

{The table below gives a clearer picture.}

Table of Lengths associated with Speeds of Oscillation

Thus for very fast things the cycle-length (λ-c) and the wave-length (λ-v) are virtually identical. And this explains why all light always appears to be travelling at c — it is because these particles of light are in reality oscillating very very slowly (compared to the total speed of light).

{Note1: I will address this point in more detail in the upcoming post “Speed of The Cycle — 2”.}

Conversely, however, the table above also shows that the cycle-length (λ-c) and the wave-length (λ-v) start to significantly diverge when the oscillation speed gets up to around 10% the speed of light. Above this speed of oscillation, it starts to become very clear that these higher frequencies of light do NOT travel at the speed of light (despite what is traditionally taught)…

Slow Things

If fast things are oscillating relatively slowly, then relatively slow things must be oscillating very very fast.

Taking this idea to its natural limit suggests the existence of a maximum speed of oscillation (u-max) occurs when the speed of travel (v) is zero. When this happens equation (1) becomes

Equation (24) ____________ c = u-max

This equation tells us why the fixed 3D speed is a “maximum quantity” in physics.

The so-called “speed of light” is in reality, the maximum speed of oscillation in a stationary frame of reference.

Now, we know that for all 3D cycles, the speed of travel is determined by the speed of oscillation; and the speed of oscillation is itself determined by the frequency. This relationship between the speed of oscillation and the frequency of oscillation was previous stated as

Equation (12) _____________ u = (λ-min)(f)

This equation implies that, if there is a maximum speed of oscillation (u-max) then there must also be a maximum frequency of oscillation (f-max). Thus we can write

Equation (25) _________ u-max = (λ-min)(f-max)

And given equation (24) this means we can also write

Equation (26) ____________ c = (λ-min)(f-max)

The concept of a maximum frequency of oscillation is totally in keeping with both the concept of a minimum cycle-length, and, the concept of a minimum cycle duration.

Equation (27) ____________ (f-max) = 1/(T-min)

{T-min = 3.3874 x 10⁻ ⁴³ seconds ∴ f-max = 2.9522 x 10⁺ ⁴² Hz}


All of the above is, of course, in keeping with the idea that the speed of oscillation and the speed of travel are intertwined (as expressed in equation (1)). In general, it could be said that very fast things are almost all linear travel and very little oscillation; and very slow things are effectively almost all oscillation, very little travel.

However, regardless of the internal distribution of the fixed three-dimensional speed, all things require the oscillation-length (λ-min) to have any existence.

Thus, the contrast between, the relatively slow oscillation of fast-moving things, and, the super-fast oscillation of slow-moving things, is a contrast between things that barely exist and things that have very obvious existence.

And equation (27) tells us that maximum existence occurs at maximum frequency of oscillation, which represents the maximum speed of “Time”…

{Note 2: This analysis is clearly pointing to the idea that “Photons” are not only NOT “timeless” but also NOT “massless” as is traditionally taught. However, I will leave the whole concept of “Mass” for my future revision of Quantum Mechanics. But before getting to that, I need to write three posts to reboot the fundamental understanding of Special Relativity…}

This is Post #4 in the series on NeoClassical Relativity Theory

