How to understand Iron Panel in my blood report?

pratik lodha
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2021

Most of the preventive health packages in India have a section on the iron panel. These tests are used to evaluate iron metabolism in patients when iron deficiency, overload, or poisoning is suspected.

Abnormal levels of iron are characteristic of many diseases, including iron-deficiency anemia and hemochromatosis

As much as 70% of the iron in the body is found in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells (RBCs). The other 30% is stored in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin (=iron-storage complex within cells, not widely available).

Iron is supplied by the diet. About 10% of the ingested iron is absorbed in the small intestine and transported to the plasma. There the iron is bound to a globulin protein called transferrin and carried to the bone marrow for incorporation into hemoglobin.

Transferrin exists in relationship to the need for iron. When iron stores are low, transferrin levels increase, whereas transferrin is low when there is too much iron.

The table below summarises the conclusion basis of various iron biomarkers

To understand your blood report and get actionable next steps, visit

Algorithmic way @neodocs to understand your iron panel

