Keto Diet : Effective or Defective?

Aradhya Giri
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2021


In a recent ranking of the best and worst diets by the US News & World, the ketogenic diet was ranked as one of the worst out of 35 diets. And yet, according to a recent survey of registered dietitians, it remains the most popular of all diets. Unlike other low-carb diets which focus on proteins, a keto plan involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. The high fat nature of the keto diet is very controversial. A considerable body of research has shown that diets high in saturated fat may increase the risk for heart disease and other chronic health problems in the long run. If you are planning to be on a keto diet, or are already on one, keep on reading…

🤔 What is Ketosis?

  • Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses fat for fuel instead of carbs. This means reducing carbohydrates to a negligible amount, moderate protein consumption while highly increasing the fat intake.
  • Practicing intermittent fasting could also help you enter ketosis faster.
Foods to eat in keto diet
Foods to avoid in keto diet

Health Benefits

  • Effective Weight Loss : A ketogenic diet can help you lose slightly more weight than a low fat diet. This often happens with less hunger.
  • Cancer : The diet is being explored as an additional treatment for cancer, because it may help slow tumour growth.
  • Brain Injuries : Some research suggests that the diet could improve outcomes of traumatic brain injuries.
  • Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s : Study shows that the diet helps reduce symptoms.
  • Epilepsy : Causes significant reduction in seizures.

📊 Tracking Your Ketone Levels : When following a keto diet you can keep track through blood, urine, & breath tests which can help determine whether you’ve entered ketosis by measuring the amount of ketones produced by your body. Neodocs wellness cards help you track your ketone levels on a daily basis, with a seconds long course of action by determining the amount of ketones present in your urine.


Although a keto diet is safe for most healthy individuals, it has various side effects like;

  • Reduction in the intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Limitation of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains can also decrease the amount of fiber consumed, which causes constipation.
  • In the long run, it is not very sustainable.
  • Although, keto diet claims to offer aid to type 2 diabetes & PCOS, there is not much evidence in study to back this affirmation.
  • Increases risk of kidney stones.
  • Low protein in the blood.
  • Excess fat deposition in the liver.
  • Keto Flu : It’s a group of symptoms that may appear two to seven days after starting a ketogenic diet. Headache, foggy brain, fatigue, irritability, nausea, difficulty sleeping, and constipation are just some of the symptoms of this condition.

To avoid the side effects, you shouldn’t be on the diet for more than 10–15 days.

A ketogenic diet is not recommended for people with Type 1 diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, liver and renal dysfunctions, hypoglycemia, or pregnant or lactating women.

To Conclude

Before starting with anything new, your body and it’s needs come first. When planning on a new diet one needs to read up on it, correlate it with their body’s tendencies, and then begin. What is miraculous for one individual could be disastrous for another.

