Peeing too often lately? Let us answer your peeing frequency doubts!

Dr. Meghna Chandrachood
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2023

Dealing with a few uncomfortable and frustrating symptoms of urine leak/incontinence? To better understand your urination, you need to ask yourself some questions and realize there are many factors affecting your voiding (urination) pattern.

Many people wonder how often they should pee. Let’s discuss a range of urinating frequency and how to manage associated symptoms of increased frequency and incontinence.

Normal urination frequency:

While no set number is considered normal, people, on average, urinate 4 to 6 times a day. Several factors can influence how often an individual pees throughout the day. Medications, supplements, foods, and beverages can all play a role, as can certain medical conditions. Age and bladder size also matter.

Common factors that affect how much you pee:

  • Age: There are changes to the kidneys, bladder, and muscles in the pelvis that happen as you age. This can play out in different ways to make you pee more or less often. In females, changes, especially after childbirth, can make people pee more often. In males, changes to the prostate, that is, benign overgrowth of prostate size, impact how easily urine flows.
  • Fluids: When it comes to liquids, what goes in must come out. In general, the more fluids you take in, the more you will pee. There aren’t any strict recommendations for how much to drink every day. But it’s important to pay attention to signs like thirst and the color of your pee to make sure you’re getting enough fluids.
  • Climate/Weather: Cold weather means less perspiration and less fluid loss, ultimately leading to increased urination to maintain body fluid balance.
  • What you drink: Drinks with caffeine and alcohol can make you pee more. If they irritate your bladder, you might be running more often to the bathroom but peeing in smaller amounts.

Urination during pregnancy

The hormonal changes and pressure on the bladder involved in pregnancy can also increase urinary output. This high urinary frequency may continue for up to 8 weeks after giving birth.

What medical conditions can affect how often you pee?

Overactive bladder isn’t caused by one specific thing. A condition where you have to pee more frequently or might leak urine.

-Possible causes include

-Changes in hormones


-Nerve damage

-Weak pelvic muscles or

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are a common cause of more frequent peeing. Other symptoms, like feeling a sense of urgency or pain when you pee or a change in the colour or smell, can be signs that you might have a bladder infection.

How much and how often you pee can vary with age and with what you eat and drink.

Is it normal to wake up at night because you have to pee?

Waking up to pee at night becomes more common as you age. But at any age, if you drink a lot of fluids before bed — especially with caffeine or alcohol — you might find yourself making a middle-of-the-night bathroom run. If peeing at night happens more often or seems to be getting worse, it could be a sign of a medical condition like early signs of Diabetes.

Symptoms of peeing too often or not enough.

Talk to your doctor about any symptoms that are new, bothersome, or are getting worse. Some things that you should take care for right away include:

  • Blood in your pee or a significant change in color, especially if it’s pink, red, or brown
  • Pain or burning when you pee
  • New incontinence
  • Back pain or fever
  • Urine that is hard to pass
  • Discharge from the penis or vagina

Some of us have to pee more often than others. Maybe you’ve wondered if you’re peeing too much or too little. Or maybe your bathroom schedule has changed. How much and how often you pee can vary with age and what you eat and drink. There can even be differences over a period of days or weeks. Most of these changes aren’t caused by anything serious. But sometimes, your pee gives you important clues about your body.

For such guidance and recommendations concerning health issues and health reports, explore our NEODOCS website and order the Wellness kit and UTI kit for home testing and diagnosing over 10 parameters. Download our NEODOCS app and upload the dipstick picture on the smartphone app to obtain quick results.

