I have a favor to ask.

Jane Metcalfe
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1 min readSep 10, 2018

We’re preparing to build our own website (yay, finally!) and taking a moment to do a little research. Would you be willing to fill out our reader survey? It only takes a few minutes, and we have some fun swag for you by way of thanks.

Here’s the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YHVPJTS

And thank you for following us on Medium. It’s an honor for us to talk to so many trailblazing pioneers, and to report these stories from the Neobiological Frontier.

You make it all worthwhile!

Jane Metcalfe

Founder, NEO.LIFE



Jane Metcalfe

Founder of proto.life. Chair of the Human Immunome Project. Cofounder of Wired, ex-TCHO chocolate. Lover of mountains, horses, roses, and kimchee.