Lily Keller
Neon dunes
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2022


Neon Dunes

3 stories


Colors are the original symbol, part of the very fabric and origin of life itself. Without light we have no life, and without light we have no color. Colors mean something in how they make us feel, based on our personal connotations, interpretations, and history — but colors also mean something at a sacred level that is true for all of humanity. Colors are, in short, part of the primordial sauce that created us out of stardust and atoms. So needless to say, colors we surround ourself with can have a profound impact on us, our personal energy, and the trajectory of our lives.

Any energy healer will tell you the chakras, the base system that governs our bodily and spiritual energy, are made up of colors — from the deep earth red of the root chakra to the gold of our highest 12th chakra, these colors are intrinsically connected to the meaning of each chakra itself. Whether it is art or Feng Shui, the colors convey a meaning deeper than the subject at hand. In abstract art, of course, the colors take center stage with the shapes, but even in representational or landscape art, the colors speak to us, and loudly. A whitewashed landscape with soft pink undertones is going to say something very different than a bright color-saturated image of the same exact location.

In general, these are some of the meanings and connections of some common colors. Keep in mind that when creating art for yourself, you will want to account for your own personal bias. Meaning — if someone tells you that blue means one thing but it feels differently to you, your own feeling is the most important. while keeping in mind the inherent meaning and energy carried by the color, of course.

The more you study energy, the more you will understand the energetics of color — and how they connect not just to our most basic energy system but also to animals, plants, the elements, Feng Shui, and astrology. Everything is connected, and the pathway that has shown me this most clearly is color.

RED: root chakra, energy, creation, life force, passion, courage, fire element, encouragement, stimulation, energy-giving

ORANGE: sacral chakra, fire element, creativity, independence, the sun, adventure, fun, freedom, fascination, artistic ability, feritilty

YELLOW: solar plexus, fire element, power, happiness, positivity, optimism, enthusiasm, energetic but in a relaxing way, awareness, mood stimulant, sunshine

GREEN: heart chakra, abundance, growth, harmony, creation, earth element, love, prosperity, expansion, nature, safety, balance, dependability, relaxation

BLUE: wisdom, joy, self-expression, throat chakra, communication, water element, flowing ideas, honesty, loyalty, security, trust, calm, stress-reduction, peace

VIOLET: Imagination, third eye chakra, spirituality, intuition, royalty, wealth, abundance, water element, religion, psychic abilities, inspiration, power, luxury

WHITE: pure light, crown chakra, psychic insight, universal truths, connection to God/Source/Spirit, metal element, knowledge, pure knowing, angels, purity, cleansing

SILVER (and other metallics): metal element, nature, money, abundance, prosperity, clarity, knowledge

These are just a beginning! As you know there are an infinite array of colors, not just the 2,161 that Pantone gives us. In fact, some other animals besides humans can see a spectrum far beyond what our eyes can process.

In the color theory course and symbology course we will cover color in all its beautiful depths :)



Lily Keller
Neon dunes

Lily is an artist and writer in Miami, FL. A mom to 3 wild boys, you can find her in her studio or on/in the water. Learn more or say hi at