Neopets Halloween CryptoQuest!

Neopets CryptoQuest
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2018

This is not your typical Haunted Woods tale about ghouls and goblins lurking in the neglected and dangerous Haunted Woods.

It all started when some Neopet friends decided to go to the Haunted Woods, being brave and curious. They wanted to be challenged on a quest to feed the Brain Tree and find out a mysterious piece of Neopian lore.

A map of the Haunted Woods

As it grew darker they said, “Guys, it’s getting late and we don’t want to be stuck in the Haunted Woods when it gets dark.”

Someone else chimed in “And don’t forget that we still have Halloween parties to attend.”

So they all agreed and decided to complete the quest and get out as fast as they could.

But the darkness came earlier than they had expected, earlier than they were used to, earlier than anyone had ever seen before. They had forgotten that around Halloween the Haunted Woods received special powers. It came to life, energized by the ghouls and ghosts, and the energy from dead games buried beneath its earth.

The mist rose from the ground. The tombstones shook. In the distance at the Deserted Fairground you could hear the Wheel of Misfortune spin violently…on its own.

Lightning crackled. The werelupes howled.

Mushrooms and fungus balls shot up from the ground as the tomb of Chomby and the Fungus Balls was gashed open. The funky beats of Neo DJ overtook the lightning crash. Your Kougra tapped his paw at the tunes before being reminded that he should be scared.

Sam, the Uni, jumped, and turned quickly to look behind her, “Guy’s, did you hear that?”

It was the sound of pitter pattering footsteps and faint giggling. The leaves crackled as the invisible feet ran over them. Gushes of wind rustled the dead tree branches so hard that they snapped one by one and fell to the ground.

Just then the ground grumbled and the tombstones in the Game Graveyard cracked, and a chorus of voices whispered “play with us.”

Gimly, the Draik, said, “Guys…we…we…should…we really should….gooooo!”

Everyone’s heads shook like bobbleheads as they agreed with Gimly.

Benny asked, “But how will we get out and escape the ghouls and ghosts?”

“Let’s run!” yelled Sam.

As they ran through the Haunted Woods the grounds shook even more furiously. An evil has awakened. The whispers grew louder and they stumbled into the Brain Tree.

Shaking off the cawing crows and stretching his arms the Brain Tree said,


Little Neopians, the Haunted Woods are mysterious and filled with magic and secrets.

It is disguises you need and you must find the backgrounds that will magically transport you to where you want to be. Search the woods with open eyes, diligence, and persistence and you will succeed.

Don’t let the lost faeries distract you with their tales. They will stop you and the evil will use your energy and knowledge to leave the Haunted Woods and spread through Neopia.

Good luck Neopians on this most perilous quest!”

This certainly was an unusual time. The Brain Tree had never sent Neopians on a quest for items.

Neopia is in peril.

Can Benny the Kougra, Starie the Aisha, Sam the Uni, and Gimly the Draik, find the items they need to disguise them and transport them out of the Haunted Woods in time?

Player, that is your quest. Help these Neopians find the items they need to save Neopia from being overtaken by the ghouls and stop the Game Graveyard from unleashing its dead to destroy the lands we know and love!

