[Announcement] 2023 NEOPIN Roadmap

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2 min readFeb 1, 2023

Hello, this is Team NEOPIN.

We are announcing the NEOPIN project roadmap for 2023.


Protocol expansion phase 4 for NEOPIN vision
- Add Support Ethereum, Polygon Bridge and Wrapped Token Features
- Launch Yield Farming Pools, Swap Features for Ethereum, Polygon Coins & Tokens
- Launch Stable Coin related Products
- Add Support Ethereum, Polygon networks on NEOPIN Connect


Protocol expansion phase 5 for NEOPIN vision
- Launch NEOPIN Premium Membership Program
- Add Support Liquidity Staked Assets


Protocol expansion phase 6 for NEOPIN vision
- Launch Next-Gen Swap Engine for Optimal Prices


Protocol expansion phase 7 for NEOPIN vision
- Launch Alpha version of Credit Lending Protocol
- Add Support 1 More EVM compatible Layer1 network

NEOPIN focuses on executing the vision of ‘connection’ and ‘expansion’, and in 2023 plans to launch products related to Ethereum, Polygon, Stablecoins, as well as additional support for liquidity reserves and the launch of lending protocols.

In the first quarter of 2023, we plan to launch products related to Ethereum, Polygon, and Stablecoins.

In the second quarter, we plan to launch the NEOPIN premium membership program and add support liquidity staking assets.

In the third quarter, we plan to launch the next-generation optimal price swap matching engine.

In the fourth quarter, we plan to launch the Alpha version of the Credit lending protocol and add support for an EVM compatible Layer 1 network.

Thank you.





Pin it to Infinity and Beyond, NEOPIN Crypto Platform https://neopin.io