[Guide] Claiming Rewards

Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2022

For Yield Farm rewards, please refer to the Yield Farm Guide.

For Stake / Event / Other rewards
1️⃣ Go to [Wallet][Stake] and click ‘Claim’ in the ‘Claimable Reward’ column.

2️⃣ Select the token you wish to claim and tap the ‘Claim rewards’ button. After the transaction is completed, the rewards will be transferred to your wallet.

📌 If there are no claimable rewards, the ‘Claim’ button will not be active.
📌 For products with multiple rewards, each reward is accumulated separately and each reward will be transferred to your wallet each time you claim the rewards.
📌 If the user’s wallet address does not have enough tokens to cover the transaction fee, a claim cannot be made.
📌 The longer the claim cycle, the fewer transactions you make, which helps reduce fees.
📌 Depending on the unique characteristics of each network, there may be a time limit or waiting time for claiming rewards for each product. (Tokens that cannot be claimed for rewards will be shown in the Pending tab.)

