📢 Liquid Staking & Restaking New Theme Liquidity Pools Launch 📢

Published in
1 min readJun 5, 2024


Hello NEOPIN Community
We’re NEOPIN, and we’re on a mission to be number one in Asia😊

Recently, NEOPIN has launched liquidity pools in various themes including RWA, AI, DePIN, DeFi, Memes, Gaming and more.

And now, today!
Theme pools for Liquid Staking & Restaking are now live 👏👏👏👏👏

As previously announced, we’re planning to launch some innovative new products this June.
Stay tuned and join NEOPIN on our journey to become the #1 DeFi in Asia🙏

📍 8 New Products Announcement

1️⃣ Liquid Staking(3)
Lido DAO Token(LDO) — Ethereum (ETH)
Rocket Pool(RPL) — Ethereum (ETH)
Rocket Pool ETH(rETH) — Ethereum (ETH)

2️⃣ Restaking(5)
AltLayer Token(ALT) — Ethereum (ETH)
Renzo(REZ) — Ethereum (ETH)
Renzo Restaked ETH(ezETH) — Ethereum (ETH)
Wrapped eETH(weETH) — Ethereum (ETH)
Wrapped liquid staked Ether 2.0(wstETH) — Ethereum (ETH)

Stay tuned for our innovative new products coming in June.
As always, thank you for supporting NEOPIN.

📍Visit NEOPIN DeFi: https://neopin.io/pool/

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