NEOPIN Membership Season 1 Reward Claim Details

Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023

NEOPIN Membership Season 1đź’Ž is coming to a close (lasts until September 26th), and we are excited to share the reward claim details. We want to express our sincere gratitude to all our community members who have been a part of this incredible journey so far. Your support and enthusiasm have made this season truly unforgettable.


Users who participated in NEOPIN Membership Season 1đź’Ž and reached the Copper tier or higher are eligible. Your final Membership S1 tier will depend on the points you earn by the end of Season 1, so remember to maintain your staked/deposited assets on NEOPIN until Season 1 concludes. You can check your Membership S1 tier on the leaderboard here.

Users who participated in the sign-up/referral campaign, regardless of their Membership tier, are also eligible to receive Gift Boxes.

Claiming Period

Users can claim their Gift Boxes starting from October 5, 2023, and ending at 00:00 UTC on November 4, 2023. After the claiming period, the Claim button will be deactivated, so please ensure that you claim your rewards within this timeframe to avoid any potential ineligibility for redemption.

Gift Boxes & $NPT

The final amount of rewards will be determined once the campaign ends. You can check the number and types of Gift Boxes you will receive once the claiming period begins. The number of NPT tokens in each Gift Box is provided randomly within specified minimum and maximum ranges. Of course, the higher-level boxes (Legendary) will contain significantly more NPTs than lower-level boxes (Uncommon). The NPT tokens will be on the Polygon network.

There are four types of Gift Boxes, with higher-tier boxes containing more NPT tokens.

Users who participated in the sign-up/referral campaign will receive Uncommon boxes containing up to 20 NPTs each. If you successfully referred multiple friends to sign up on NEOPIN, you will receive a corresponding number of Uncommon boxes.

How to Claim Your Gift Box

Reward claims are processed through on-chain transactions, incurring a small transaction fee. Additionally, Legendary and Epic boxes have small opening fees in $NPT, while Rare and Uncommon boxes have no opening fees.

Below are the steps to claim your Gift Boxes:

  1. Click your score bar on the Membership Leaderboard to access the “My Score” page.
  2. Tap the “Open” button below each Gift Box on the My Score page to proceed with the claim.
  3. Review the rewards, opening fees, and transaction fees. If you acknowledge and agree, tap the “Claim” button.
    *You can adjust transaction fees by tapping the small pen icon next to the Tx Fee before proceeding.
  4. Enter your PIN to confirm your claim.
  5. Watch the box opening and tap the “Confirm” button
  6. You’ll receive a push notification once the NPT rewards are deposited into your wallet.

SoulBound Tokens

As announced earlier, we will distribute Membership S1 SBTs to users with Copper tier or higher. These SBTs represent certificates of recognition for active participation in Membership S1. You can find more information here.

What’s Next?

With Season 1 coming to a close, you might be wondering what’s next.

To give you a sneak peek of what’s ahead, we’ll be resetting the Membership leaderboard after Season 1 ends and introducing a permanent version of it. Stay tuned as we unveil a range of exclusive Membership benefits, brimming with surprises. Keep an eye out for updates and prepare to embark on another incredible NEOPIN Membership journey!



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