NEORT 1st-anniversary campaign!

Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2020

Thank you for using NEORT.

On February 23, 2020, NEORT turned one year old. Yeah! 🥳

Thanks to NEORT users and everyone who supported us, we have been able to continue the service for a year.

So, for the first anniversary, we started a new campaign to think about “NEO ART” (= new art), which is the origin of the NEORT service name.


In this campaign, we call for artworks with the theme “New art you think (NEO ART).” From day to day creation, surroundings, and expectations for the future, you may have once thought about new art.

It’s a bit abstract, but let’s try new techniques and styles and think about art more deeply than usual, and express “new art” in your way.

For artists who create great artwork, we print it with the most beautiful print method and present it with a frame!

Sample image ( time by r21nomi )

How to apply

  1. Create your artwork
  2. Post a work of art with the tag “NEORT1st” on NEORT


Mar. 17, 2020, JST.


  • Format: Unspecified if you can post to NEORT
  • Size: Unspecified
  • Sound: Unspecified
  • Orientation: Portrait or landscape
  • Video format: H.264, mp4
  • Video duration: 1-minute max
  • Video file size: 50MB


When you win, send us the image data of your artwork. So, set your e-mail address on the setting page so that you can get in touch.

Since it will be printed in A3 or A4 size, prepare a project file so that you can take screenshots and output images at 4,093 x 5,787px or more.

Of course, you can apply from overseas.


Feb. 25, 2020: Campaign start
Mar. 17, 2020: Application deadline
Mar. 19, 2020: Announcement of winner
Early Apr. 2020: Give a present

Feel free to post artworks!

You can browse artworks and join this campaign from the link below.

If you have any questions about the campaign, please contact us.
Twitter: @neort_io

