NEORT was released

Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2019

We released our new service NEORT as β version!!

In this article, we introduce our thought for NEORT and what you can do in the service.

About the explanation of Digital Art, please check this article.

What kind of service?

Digital Art platform

You can browse and create digital art, learn the skills and connect to others.

A service connected with not specific technology but artistic expression

There are lot of great services which based on specific technology like ShaderToy or OpenProcessing.

But NEORT is the service based on artistic expression that crosses various technologies.

Various artworks created with diverse technologies stimulate you and expand your creativity.

Service for whom?

It’s a service for everyone who love digital art.

We hope to make NEORT a place that both creator and people who don’t create but like to browse it can enjoy.

If you are creator using Processing, openFrameworks, GLSL, WebGL, Unity, TouchDesigner, CINEMA 4D, Houdini, Blender, AfterEffects and so on, you can enjoy NEORT!!

Important things we think

To express

We aim to make NEORT a place that user can enjoy creating and sharing their artworks.

Even simple or complex, 2D or 3D, any artworks, it’s cool to express.

NEORT respect diversity.

To learn

Being a place to be able to learn skills for expression is important.

So user can browse any code of others, share the project file if it was artwork from video.

Learning leads to next creation.
Let’s share your skills and enhance your creativity.

To meet together

We hope NEORT is a place to find a favorite artworks and meet users and connect each other.

What you can do

  • Create artwork
    On NEORT, you can create artwork by coding.
    Supported language is “JS/HTML/CSS”, “GLSL”.
  • Submit artwork
    In addition to “JS/HTML/CSS” and “GLSL”, video file is supported.
  • Like to artwork
  • Follow user
  • Browse code of artwork
  • Download asset file of artwork created by video

How to use

Let’s browse artworks

You can browse it in order of popularity and arrival order.

Let’s do Like to favorite artworks

Artworks you did Like can be browsed on My Page.

Let’s submit artwork

  • In case of JS/HTML/CSS or GLSL, you can create artwork from editor
    Changes will be applied in real time.
    If you create from JS/HTML/CSS, you can search library from cdnjs and add it.
  • Artwork can also be created from video file
    Let’s attach project file of like After Effects which is origin of the artwork as zip format.
  • Let’s fill in the concept or skill information used to the artwork when you submit
    If you write a long sentence or want to insert some images, writing it into your blog and pasting it may be better.
  • You can submit as private artwork.

Everyone can browse code user submitted

It’s possible if it was created by code.

In case of video, you can download the asset file if attached and learn the structure.

It can be used as digital frame

Using frame feature allows you to change artwork on other device you signed in to NEORT.

It doesn’t require special device.
If Wi-Fi available, extra smart phone, tablet or pc you don’t use will become digital frame.

The reason why we release as β version

We really love to create digital art and are developing a service we want but we would like to provide a service what other creators also want.

For the purpose, it’s necessary to verify the hypothesis rapidly.
So we release it even if it’s incomplete.

Please send us a feedback to make NEORT good service.
(You can send feedback from SETTING/Request・Feedback)


We improve the service based on your feedback.

These are just part of our load map, we share the idea.

  • Comment feature
  • Timeline
  • Search
  • Tag

About monetization

We are going to introduce monetization model to make our service better.

In particular, we are planning paid plan or file selling structure.

Anyhow, it will be the model that user can enjoy digital art more.


We have been developing NEORT with aiming to make it the place that both creators and users who only browse can enjoy.

We hope that new expression will be born and the world will be beautiful and creative place more.

Thank you for your continuous support.

Twitter: @neort_io

