New release of “Playlist” feature for NEORT

Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

Thank you for using NEORT.

Today, the “Playlist” feature has been released! You are now able to appreciate artworks collected by theme.

You have always been able to appreciate the artworks collected on medium articles, but now the playlist feature will provide you with an even better experience.

Playlists are created for various themes, including artists, methods, and styles. This will increase your chances of encountering your favorite works.

To use the playlist, select “Playlist” from the menu.

Select the playlist and appreciate the artwork.

You can also watch in full screen mode by pressing the “Play in Fullscreen” button.

In fullscreen mode, artworks will be displayed, changing every minute. You can passively appreciate the artworks when you want to change your mind or get inspired.

The next deployment

At the moment, you can only appreciate the artworks in the playlists collected by NEORT staff. However, we are planning to improve this feature so that you can create and share your own playlists.

We are also starting to create a system for recommending playlists and artworks. We will continue to create services so that more and more people can appreciate the artworks you create.

Please feel free to contact the NEROT team if you have any questions or ideas for improvement.
Twitter: @neort_io

