What is Digital Art?

Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2019

We have been developing digital art platform “NEORT” and it will be released soon.

Today, we introduce our perspective about “Digital Art” many people could vaguely understand.

Our definition

Although there are various explication, We define digital art as “Dynamic art created with computer technology”.

We never mention about what art is. So please interpret it a kind of word used for beautiful expression.

Compare to existing art like paintings, the features of digital art are below.

  • The visual changes depending on the time (like animation)
  • Some artworks allows user to interact
  • It can be browsed on multiple devices like pc, smart phone and projector

Sometimes static artworks like illustration or picture, physical artworks like installation are also called digital art.
But we call dynamic artworks displayed on monitor as digital art.

Examples of digital art

Although the explication of art is diverse and we expect new artworks are born exceed our imagination, we call artworks like below as digital art.

Deep Sea Trench by r21nomi

This artwork was created with Javascript and work on browser.

perlin noise by yasai

This is the artwork created with integrated environment called Processing and p5.js is used to be able to work on browser.

Until by FMS_Cat

Artworks we introduced so far were almost looping one but the artwork above is created as image work which the length is some minutes.

Artworks like this is called Demo and the culture called Demoscene exists.
To understand what Demoscene is, this article is helpful.

The artwork above is video format though, it was one originally created with programming like WebGL or Unity.

Paramount Comedy x Kasay by Andrey Kasay

We think that not only artworks we introduced so far but also animation work like above is called as digital art.

We raised some examples though, any artworks which can move someone’s heart might be called as digital art.

Various name of digital art

There are some names in artworks we call as digital art.

  • Generative Art
  • Shader Art
  • Pixel Art
  • Motion Graphics
  • VFX
  • Demo

The definition is different depending on person though, don’t you think these names gives you a bit technical impression?

The name is various but all of them are beautiful and cool.

We had been seeking a generic name to make many people enjoy variety of beautiful artworks.

It’s Digital Art.

Technology to create digital art

There are two type of kind real time rendering and pre rendering.

Real time rendering

This is a method to generate a visual real time.
Mainly it is created with programming, you can create with GUI application like TouchDesigner or vvvv.

The main feature is that it is able to change a visual depending on the input.
You can create interactive artwork changes a visual depending on sound or mouse cursor.

Clock of clocks by Daniel Weiner

For example, you can express a clock artistically with using time input.

Technologies often used are WebGL(Javascript), GLSL, Unity, openFrameworks, processing, TouchDesigner though, to run on browser, you need to make it javascript or export as video file.

Real time rendering make you possible to create interactive artwork.
But Sometimes it requires high spec computer for complex drawing process.

Pre rendering

Pre rendering is a method to export the visual preliminarily and mainly the format is video.

It is not interactive artwork because of video, but user can browse it with almost same quality every environment.

And because of rendering preliminarily, a realistic expression difficult for real time rendering is possible.

Most of technologies can be exported as video though, leading applications are CINEMA 4D or AfterEffects.

Artworks created with any kind of technology is beautiful

It’s important for creator to choose which technology to use and it’s really fun for them.

For one artwork, some people say it is generative art and some say it is motion graphics.

Some people may think whether it is created with Processing or AfterEffects is important.

But every artworks created with any kind of technology can be beautiful.

We use “Digital Art” as generic name for artworks created with computer technology which accepts diversity.

Future of expression

Expression of art became diverse thanks to improvement of internet technology.

And such expression technology can be learned without long long training.

A future many people enjoy digital art definitely come next few decade.
Even now, many people do.

We can’t wait the future that variety of new expression will be born and the world will become more creative place.


We defined digital art as dynamic art created with computer technology.

And we have been developing NEORT as a place to create future expression for everyone love digital art.

It will be released as β version soon.

※Update: NEORT was released at 2019.02.

We bet you’ll love it.

Twitter: @neort_io
Email: support@neort.io

