Sabita Vasistha

Liza Paudel
Nepali Women in the US
2 min readJan 5, 2015

Arlington, VA

Sabita came to the States in 2005 with her husband and her then 6 month old daughter. After working in a nearby CVS for many years, she started working at a childcare center this year to make more time for her family, especially her two young daughters.

“Diploma 3rd year गर्दै थिएँ, बिहे भो, बच्चा भो, पढाई सकिहाल्यो!”

(“I was in the third year of my diploma, marriage happened, kids happened, and the education stopped.”)

“नेपाल बाट आउन लागेको मान्छेलाई के सुझाब दिन्हुन्छ?”
“उमेर छ भने त पढ्नु नै भन्छु। हामी त अलि ढिलो भैसक्यो जस्तो लाग्छ, आएर बरु part time मात्र पनि पढेको भए अलि राम्रो job पाईन्थ्यो कि?”

(“What would you suggest to somebody coming to the States from Nepal?”
“If they’re still young, I’d suggest them to study. I think it is a little late for us, if we had studied when we first came, even part-time, maybe we’d have gotten better jobs?”)

“यहाँ marriage को वास्ता नगर्ने culture चाहिँ मन पर्दैन। मलाई अस्ति मैले काम गर्ने CVS को अर्को केटीले “Are you still with the same guy?” (अस्तिनै कै केटासँग छौ?) भनेर सोद्धैथिई! म त के भन्ने!”

(“I don’t like the culture here that doesn’t care for marriage. A while back, my coworker at CVS was asking me “Are you still with the same guy?”! What to say!”)

