Announcing NPM Rising Stars

Neptune Mutual
Neptune Mutual
Published in
3 min readApr 19, 2022

Why Should You Join the NPM Rising Stars Contest?

Because it enables you to make a positive difference in our community building exercise.

Neptune Mutual project safeguards the Ethereum community from cyber threats to contemporary financial products. Our investor network, partners, and community have all been formed on the principle of defending the Ethereum and other blockchain ecosystems from cyber threats.

As usual, we are happy to launch the NPM Rising Star contest in response to community input and feedback. Additionally, please keep an eye out for the upcoming ambassador program.

Who Are the NPM Rising Stars?

The NPM Rising Stars are community members just like you who contribute to our community discussion channels and help shape the Neptune Mutual Protocol’s future. As a rising star, you have the ability to raise awareness and encourage positive collaboration via our community platforms, particularly Discord and Twitter.

How Are Winners Selected?

To begin with, you must sign up for this contest using Gleam and complete all required tasks. The optional tasks you accomplish on Gleam will be included into the grand prize winner selection process.

Join our Discord server and start participating in our community conversations after you’ve registered on Gleam. Bring in your ideas about our protocol, ask questions, provide feedback, and answer other community members if they have questions. Become an integral part of our community discussion and spread the word around. Each month, we will select the top 5 users having the highest levels. Note that we reserve full rights to disqualify a member if we think their activity is suspicious.

Your level will only increase if you send messages to the following channels:

  • rising-stars
  • testnet-feedback
  • product-feature-requests

Please note that we will only allow insightful messages. Any spam or irrelevant messages will be deleted and will not count towards your progress. Any attempts to alter the outcome of the event will result in disqualification. This includes spamming, and other means to acquire exp in an unfair manner. We have the right to reduce your exp or level if you go against our guidelines.

Who Is Ineligible for the Reward?

Neptune Mutual founders, investors, contractors, partners, employees and their immediate family members are not eligible for any rewards. They can freely participate but will be screened out.


There are two reward buckets: monthly prizes and a grand prize.

Monthly Prizes

A total of $500 allocation is split between top 6 members. The rising star gets $250 and 5 runner ups each receive $50.

Grand Prize

An added reward of $1500 is split between 3 members from the winner list. We choose grand prize winners based on our sole discretion. The super star receives $1000 and runner ups each receive $250.

Terms and Conditions

  • If you participate in this program, you fully understand and accept the fact that the Neptune Mutual team’s decision is final and irrevocable.
  • Ensure that you contribute towards making the NPM community a positive and welcoming place for new beginners to participate in.
  • Be a part of our growth and help us achieve new heights.
  • Do not enter spam or too many meaningless messages. We value honest and hardworking community members more than the people who are just only interested in receiving rewards.

About Us

Neptune Mutual project safeguards the Ethereum community from cyber threats. The protocol uses parametric cover as opposed to discretionary insurance. It has an easy and reliable on-chain claim process. This means that when incidents are confirmed by our community, resolution is fast.

Join us in our mission to cover, protect, and secure on-chain digital assets.

Official Website:



Neptune Mutual
Neptune Mutual

Neptune Mutual provides you with guaranteed stablecoin liquidity to reduce risk exposure by hedging against capital risks and smart contract vulnerabilities.