07 Hours In: GDHQ Certification Devlog

Mohamed Hijazi
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2021

It has been two weeks since my last article; computer problems and I needed a breather. So let’s go right back at it.

As mentioned before, I am working on a 2.5D arcade space shooter for my certification project for the Game Dev HQ program. In my last article (06 Hours in: GDHQ Certification Devlog), I added a few necessary feature like a health system and a level manager (for the player to level up weapons).

Today is going to be short and quick, here is what has been added.

Rotating Player Weapons

The player has 3 turrets to shoot from. One turret is fixed and it is placed in the front of the player’s ship. The two other turrets are activated as the plyer level increases, so there is a turret on top and a turret below the ship.

Previously these turrets were fixed also and the player can only shoot forward like classical space shooters. But to make the gameplay a little more dynamic, I allowed those two turrets to rotate. The rotation follows the player’s mouse, and ofcourse I limited their rotation in a way that the turret above cannot shoot down, and the turret below cannot shoot up. Here it is in action.

Turret Rotation

The World

Building the world is going to be very vital here. The player is going to fighting an alien invasion, and in this prototype level, the player’s empire has launched their own counter-attack into the alien’s planet.

So I decided to use the Alien Terrain Pack from the unity asset store. Alien Terrain Pack | 3D Landscapes | Unity Asset Store. It will allow me to create a life-like alien world that will add a great back story to my prototype level. Here is a screenshot taken from their store page. Looks pretty amazing, right?!

Alien Terrain Pack



Mohamed Hijazi
Nerd For Tech

A knowledge seeking biologist who is following his passion into a full time career in Unity / Game Development. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-hijazi/