5 Free Tools to develop your own Operating System

Use 1 of these 5 gracious tools to develop operating systems with .NET

Arnold Abraham
Nerd For Tech


The development of drivers and operating systems are usually done in C/C++ because of the speed and requirements of native development. But if you are a C# developer familiar with the .NET Platform and you want to code an operating system, then this article will bring you various open-source projects you can use. This article will introduce you to the 5 most interesting open-source projects. These open-source projects cannot represent complex systems like Windows, iOS, Android, or Linux. They also do not offer complex program interfaces and window managers but they allow deep insights into system development that are realized with .NET dedicated to running .NET applications.

Operating System (OS) in Short

An operating system is a system that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs running on it. Today, Microsoft Windows is the most leading desktop operating system, next is macOS by Apple Inc. and Linux in third place. [1]

The primary purpose of creating an operating system is to create an effective working environment for the user. An operating system is composed of a collection of software…



Arnold Abraham
Nerd For Tech

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