5 Things To Know To Advance Python Programming

Traits of Mastering Modern Generation Languages : Python

Laxman Singh
Nerd For Tech


Python is Interpreted, Interesting, Most Popular and Fun to learn New Generation Language

Python is a buzzword. Being most popular modern generation language with one of the biggest community of developers and capable of performing machine learning makes Python unique and should learn programming language. As per definition, it looks like the perfect programming language with all the ingredients. It has different libraries for covering different use cases, UI frameworks like flask, Django etc, machine learning libraries and visualization libraries.

1. Virtual Env setup

Virtual environment setup is very important to work on projects in python. It helps to distinguish and maintain different projects’ libraries, versions used for the given problem statement. It could be possible one of your project is running in different version of python, different version of python libraries. All can be achieved by simple using virtual env. Maintaining virtual environment is very simple and easy. It provides flexibility, portability and easy maintainability. Let us start creating virtual environment

# to install virtual env setup
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv <<envname>>
source <env>/bin/activate

After that, anything installed will get installed in…



Laxman Singh
Nerd For Tech

Machine Learning Engineer | Data Science | MTECH NUS, Singapore