A small intro to TailwindCSS

Nerd For Tech
Published in
7 min readFeb 20, 2021


In this small intro, I will help you understand how to think in TailwindCSS. We’ll go through a small theory intro 🤓(sorry in advance) and will jump next to a more hands-on 👋 exercise to practice what we learned.

Why use Tailwind?

  • Simple and specific: Most of the utilities included have specific functionality and don’t add extra styling to them (contrary to Bootstrap).
  • Highly customizable: Although it has a default configuration, we can simply override it in the tailwind.config.js file.
  • Can be optimized: We can use PurgeCSS in production to remove any classes we don’t use from Tailwind, only loading utilities we use.
  • Easy to write: As soon as you get used to it, it becomes super fast to write your CSS classes; you can also group classes into components by using @apply.
  • other reasons

Some comments before we start

  • TailwindCSS doesn’t have JavaScript included, it is pure CSS. So if we want to make things dynamic we need to write our own JavaScript.
  • I will assume you know the basics of CSS 😄.
  • We won’t go through the installation of TailwindCSS, for that feel free to check their installation guide.
  • File locations are considered for Ruby on Rails.

Configuration file

TailwindCSS configuration lives in a file called tailwind.config.js. In this file, we can customize every TailwindCSS variable.

How TailwindCSS works

  • Utility Classes: As with most frameworks, TailwindCSS uses utility classes to style HTML elements; its naming convention is super intuitive (text-center, font-bold, etc.).
  • Prefixes: We can add prefixes on different classes to make them work conditionally on different breakpoints or states.
    For example: hover:font-bold will change the font of the element to bold when hovered.


Responsive Design (see docs)

On TailwindCSS classes we can add a breakpoint prefix which will make it work conditionally at different breakpoints.


<div class="md:w-92 lg:w-40">
<div class="sm:text-center lg:text-left">

Hover, Focus & other states

As with the responsive design, we can use prefixes to style different states of our elements.


<button class="bg-purple-600 hover:bg-purple-800">
Sign up

Utility Classes

Writing TailwindCSS utility classes keeps the same structure among most CSS properties. We’ll go through some examples to clarify how the structure works, but feel free to find any specific utility class on their amazing documentation.


Font Familyfont-familyfont-{type}

<p class="font-sans ...">
<p class="font-serif ...">
<p class="font-mono ...">

Note: font-sans, font-serif and font-mono are variables that we can change in our config file to the font-family of our choice.

Font Sizefont-sizetext-{size}

<p class="text-xs ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="text-xl ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>

Font Weightfont-weightfont-{weight}

<p class="font-bold ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>
<p class="font-thin ...">The quick brown fox ...</p>

Text Aligntext-aligntext-{alignment}

<p class="text-left ...">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...</p>
<p class="text-center ...">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...</p>


The container class will fix the element width depending on the current breakpoint.

Container width

<div class="container">
<!-- ... -->

Margin & Padding


<div class="mt-8 ...">mt-8</div>
<div class="m-5 ...">m-5</div>

Left + Right → mx

Top + Down → my


<div class="pb-3 ...">pb-4</div>
<div class="py-2 ...">py-2</div>

Left + Right ⇒ px

Top + Down ⇒ py


The color class utilities allow us to use the same kind of syntax to style different properties.


<p class="text-purple-600 ..."></p>
<button class="bg-green-500 ...">Button</button>
<input class="border-2 border-red-500 ...">

Width and Height


<div class="h-12 ..."></div>
<div class="h-16 ..."></div>


<div class="w-20 ..."></div>
<div class="w-28 ..."></div>


No rocket science here, just classes that apply different display properties.

flexdisplay: flex

inline-blockdisplay: inline-block

hiddendisplay: none

Creating components (see more)

Sometimes when repeating classes over and over on the same elements (buttons, avatars, etc.), it’s better to refactor our code creating components that help us to update and reuse our code.

TailwindCSS includes the @apply directive that extracts common utility patterns to CSS component classes.

.btn-indigo {
@apply py-2 px-4 bg-indigo-500 text-white font-semibold rounded-lg shadow-md hover:bg-indigo-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-400 focus:ring-opacity-75;
<button class="btn-indigo">
Click me

TailwindCSS also recommends wrapping the styles where we use @apply with @layer components { } so it can recognize that those styles belong to the components(performance and organization reasons).

Enough theory! Let’s create a Components Kitchen Sink

Note: We will be working on an already created Ruby on Rails app with TailwindCSS using the amazing template BambooSticks 😉.

Bye bye theory 👋

Main Header

Let’s start styling our main header.

<h1 class="text-5xl font-semibold text-center">Kitchen Sink</h1>

What utilities did we use?

  • text-5xlfont-size and line-height
  • font-semibold font-weight
  • text-centertext-align


Now let’s add a simple container so we can center our components later.

What new utilities did we use?

  • container max-width on breakpoint (sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl)
  • mx-auto margin-left and margin-right
  • my-3 margin-top and margin-bottom


Let’s now play with some image properties by creating avatars.

Omg those guys are handsome

What new utilities did we use?

  • rounded-fullborder-radius (same as border-radius: 50%) which will make all borders rounded. If the image is a square it will create a circle.
  • h-24 & w-24weight and height
  • inline-blockdisplay


Ok, now let’s do a primary and secondary button.

Both are called Benjamin… get it?

What new utilities did we use?

  • px-12 / py-3padding-left and padding-right / padding-up and padding-bottom
  • bg-yellow-400background-color
  • border-yellow-400border-color
  • hover:bg-yellow-300background-color on :hover
  • focus:outline-nonebackground-color on :focus
  • text-whitecolor
  • roundedborder-radius
  • borderborder-width
  • transitiontransition (with a transition delay of 150ms)
  • duration-300transition-duration
  • inline-blockdisplay


What new utilities did we use?

  • bg-coverbackground-size
  • flexdisplay
  • items-centeralign-items
  • text-shadow❗This is a custom class I made, there is no text-shadow utility class on TailwindCSS❗

Category Card

This card peels amazing…

What new utilities did we use?

  • justify-centerjustify-content
  • shadow-xlbox-shadow

Product Card

What new utilities did we use?

  • object-coverobject-fit
  • flex-colflex-direction
  • p-5padding
  • rounded-lborder-top-left-radius and border-bottom-left-radius

Party Card

What new utilities did we use?

  • rounded-tborder-top-left-radius and border-top-right-radius
  • w-fullwidth: 100%
  • items-endalign-items

Extracting components

All our refactoring will be in separate files called with the name of the specific component in the folder app/javascript/stylesheets/components.


We will extract all the common classes from our buttons in the .btn class and create two specific classes (.btn-main and .btn-ghost) for the different versions of buttons we have.

And we are done! Congratulations!

👉🏻 Link to the Ruby on Rails application with all the components

If you are wondering who wrote this, let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Nico Proto and I’m a developer at MangoTree. If you are curious about what we do (you should be) connect with me through Linkedin.

