A Woman Navigating The Tech Industry

Akiko Green
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2024


woman looking at computer monitor

Suppose you had asked me 10 years ago if I could see myself coding, I would have laughed and said, “No way, I’m not smart enough for that”. Some days I still feel that way, “Hurray imposter syndrome”. In all seriousness, I would have walked away in doubt of the idea of coding. Even the idea of doing math makes me cringe. So to see myself as a woman in tech would have been farfetched to say the least.

Surprise! Four years ago the global pandemic hit unexpectedly. I couldn’t finish my degree, my job at the gym shut down, and the only thing that came to me was, “I just want so much better for myself”. That’s when I made the leap of faith to learn how to code. I woke up at 7:00 AM almost every day to research code, practice code, and write code.

Fortunately, this was not the hardest part of my journey. The hardest part was building a structured plan on how I could make this into a career. That’s where Flatiron School came into play. Visiting their site at WeWork, going to info sessions, and working hard on their pre-work motivated me to apply for their boot camp opportunity. This was by far the biggest 360 I’ve ever experienced in my life.

For six months, the routine was eat, sleep, breathe everything code. From learning Ruby as a frontend, and Ruby on Rails as a backend, to learning Javascript and React to complete the full stack…



Akiko Green
Nerd For Tech

Software Engineer, Novice Blogger, Indoor Climber and Dog sitting expert 🥰