AI in Art and Creativity

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the World of Art

Gayan Kodithuwakku
Nerd For Tech
10 min readFeb 28, 2023


This is meant to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or technical knowledge. We will use simple language and real-world examples to explain the technical concepts. So that even if you have no prior knowledge of AI, you will be able to understand the content.
We want to make sure that this post is interesting and informative for everyone, so whether you’re an artist, a tech enthusiast, or just someone who is curious about how AI is changing the world of art, this one is for you.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that is changing the way we live, work and create. One of the areas where AI is making a big impact is in the world of art and creativity. Imagine being able to create a digital painting or sculpture with just a few clicks, or generate a realistic portrait photo of yourself using AI.
This is now possible thanks to the advancements in AI technology!!!
And this trend is becoming very popular among social media users.

In this blog post, we will explore how AI is revolutionizing the world of art and creativity. We will take a look at the different ways in which AI is being used in art, such as AI-generated art and AI-assisted art. We will examine the ethical considerations surrounding AI in art, and take a peek at the future of AI in art and creativity. And explore how these tools work also their benefits and drawbacks. We will also look at real-world examples of how AI is being used in art and creativity, such as in the entertainment industry, advertising, and architecture.

AI-Generated Arts

One of the most exciting aspects of AI-generated art is that it is democratizing the art world, making it possible for anyone to create art regardless of their technical skills. AI-generated art is that it allows for the creation of new forms of expression that would not be possible with traditional art techniques. For example, an AI program can take a collection of images and use them to create a new digital painting that blends elements from each of the images in a unique way. This opens up the possibility for new and exciting forms of artistic expression.

Another benefit of AI-generated art is that it democratizes the art world. With the help of AI drawing tools such as Mid Journey, Lexica, and new arrival Bluewillow (A competitor for Mid Journey). These tools are designed to be user-friendly and as I said earlier accessible to anyone, making it possible for anyone to create art.

Midjourney AI

Mid Journey is a paid tool and Lexica is also a paid tool, I know Mid journey provides some trial, so using the trial you can apparently generate nearly 20–25 arts only. And Lexical provides nearly 25–100 arts. But you can browse and explore free already generated AI Arts by visiting And you can download them and use them as you wish! I think that is really cool!!!
When it comes to Bluewillow, it is a completely free tool for the time being. With Bluewillow, users can generate unlimited AI art, and it works similarly to Mid journey. However, the arts generated by Bluewillow are not similar to the ones generated by Mid journey. But it is good in its own way. Mid journey good to be Mid journey.

As an example, you can use the following image which was generated by AI using Mid journey, you can see how realistic and stunning the image is. It’s hard to tell that it was not created by a human artist. This is just one example of the many possibilities that AI-generated art can offer.

While AI-generated art has many benefits, it’s important to note that it’s not a replacement for traditional art techniques. AI-generated art is a new and exciting form of artistic expression that opens up new possibilities, but it should be seen as a complement to traditional art, not a replacement.

How AI drawing tools work

In order to understand how AI drawing tools work, it’s important to understand the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI is a technology that enables machines to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as image recognition, natural language processing, and decision-making. ML is a subset of AI that allows machines to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed.

AI drawing tools, such as Mid Journey, Lexica and Bluewillow, use ML algorithms to generate artwork. The process begins by feeding the computer program with a dataset of images, sounds or other data. This data is used to train an AI model, which is a set of algorithms that can be used to make predictions or generate new data. In the case of AI drawing tools, the model is trained to generate new artwork based on the data it was given.

There are different types of AI models that are used for generating art, such as GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) and VAE (Variational Autoencoder). GANs work by training two neural networks, one called the generator and the other called the discriminator. The generator creates new data, and the discriminator tries to determine if the data is real or fake. VAE, on the other hand, is an algorithm that can learn to generate new data that is similar to a given dataset.

The main difference between AI-generated art and AI-assisted art is that AI-generated art is created entirely by AI, while AI-assisted art is created with the help of AI. AI-assisted art is typically created by a human artist who uses AI tools to assist in the creative process, such as generating new color palettes or creating 3D models.

As for the pros and cons of these tools, they differ based on the tool itself. Mid Journey is a paid tool and it’s very user-friendly but it’s not cheap. Lexica is also a paid tool but it’s more advanced and it has more features than Mid Journey. Blue willow is a completely free tool but it’s not as advanced as Mid Journey and Lexica.

AI-assisted art

AI-assisted art refers to artwork that is created with the help of Artificial Intelligence technology. This can include using AI to create 3D models, assist with animation, and generate new color palettes. The process of creating AI-assisted art involves using AI tools to assist the human artist in the creative process.

One of the benefits of AI-assisted art is that it can speed up the creative process and improve efficiency. For example, an artist can use AI to generate a 3D model of an object, which can then be used as a reference for a painting or sculpture. This can save the artist a significant amount of time that would otherwise be spent creating the 3D model by hand.

Another benefit of AI-assisted art is that it can help artists to explore new possibilities and techniques that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve. For example, an artist can use AI to generate a new color palette, which can inspire new ideas and give the artist a fresh perspective on their work.

In the entertainment industry, AI is used to assist in animation, such as facial recognition and motion capture. This technology allows animators to create more realistic and accurate animations, which can enhance the viewer’s experience.

AI-assisted art is also used in the architecture, fashion and design industry. Architects use AI to generate 3D models of buildings and to simulate the flow of light and heat. Designers use AI to generate new patterns and colors for textiles and fashion.

AI-generated Portrait

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of generating AI-generated portrait photos. This is a process where people use Artificial Intelligence technology to create a realistic portrait photo of themselves or others. These AI-generated portrait photos are becoming increasingly popular on social media platforms, with many people sharing their AI-generated photos with friends and family.

The process behind generating AI-generated portrait photos is similar to the process of creating AI-generated art. It starts by feeding a computer program with a dataset of portrait photos. The program uses this data to train an AI model, which can then be used to generate new portrait photos. The AI model learns the features and characteristics of the face and other details such as background and lighting.

There are several AI tools that can be used to generate AI-generated portrait photos, such as Portrait AI and AI Portrait Generator. These tools are easy to use and can be used by anyone regardless of their technical skills. They only require a photo of the person you want to generate a portrait for, and then the tool will generate a realistic portrait based on the input photo.
Here few examples of AI-generated Portraits…

One of the benefits of AI-generated portrait photos is that they are easy to use and save time. Instead of having to sit for a portrait session, or pay for a professional portrait, with AI-generated portrait photos, you can create a realistic portrait with just a few clicks. Additionally, AI-generated portrait photos can be used in a variety of applications such as social media, professional and personal use, and even in the entertainment industry.

The ethics of AI in art

As AI in art becomes more prevalent, ethical concerns have emerged surrounding issues such as authorship, creativity, and authenticity. One concern is that AI-generated art may be seen as less valuable or authentic than art created by human artists and that it may be difficult to attribute authorship to the AI or human artist involved in its creation.

Another concern is that the use of AI in the art may be seen as a form of cheating or a lack of creativity, as the AI is doing much of the work instead of the human artist. There is also a fear that AI will eventually replace human artists, leading to a loss of jobs and a devaluation of the art created by human artists.

Artists and the art world are beginning to address these ethical concerns in a variety of ways. One approach is to create art that explores the relationship between humans and AI, and that highlights the role of the human artist in the creative process. Additionally, some artists are using AI as a tool rather than as a replacement, and are using AI to assist in the creative process, rather than to generate art entirely.

In terms of legal and ethical issues, when AI-generated art is used in commercial settings, there are issues around copyright and intellectual property rights, as well as the question of who owns the rights to the art. It’s important to consider the legal and ethical implications when using AI-generated art in a commercial setting.


In conclusion, the use of artificial intelligence in art and creativity is rapidly changing the world of art. From AI-generated paintings and sculptures, to AI-assisted animation and color palettes, the possibilities are endless. However, there are also ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in art, such as questions around authorship and authenticity. It is important for artists, art critics, and the art world as a whole to consider these concerns and address them in a thoughtful manner.

As AI technology continues to advance, it’s exciting to think about the potential future of AI in art and creativity. It’s possible that AI could bring about new forms of expression and democratize the art world, making it more accessible to everyone. However, it’s also important to consider the potential impact of AI on the art world, and whether it could eventually replace human artists.

If you’re interested in learning more about AI-generated art and AI drawing tools, there are plenty of resources available online. Websites such as Mid Journey, Lexica, and Bluewillow offer a great starting point for exploring the world of AI-generated art. Additionally, there are many online tutorials and articles that can help you understand the technical aspects of how these tools work.

We hope this blog has been informative and has sparked your interest in the exciting world of AI-generated art. We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the topic, so please feel free to share them in the comments below. Thank you for reading!



Gayan Kodithuwakku
Nerd For Tech

Hi, I'm Gayan, a freelance Developer, keen on UX research. IT Undergraduate Student & Cyber Security Enthusiast