Apache Camel: CRUD with JPA

Daniel S. Blanco
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2020


We have already seen other posts about Apache Camel, you can see all in my profile. Today we will see how to do the database operations with JPA.

As always we will start with the configuration. Talking about dependencies, we need to add the following ones:

  • The Apache Camel camel-jpa-starter component that will allow us to use the JPA component.
  • The hibernate-entitymanager library that will allow us to use the hibernate annotations.

We must remember some basic things about JPA. One is the quality of handle relational data as Java objects. Allowing us to manage within Java classes the information inside a database. These classes will be called Entities. Another is the existence of JPQL, a language that will allow us to perform queries on these entities.

Thanks to Spring boot and the camel starter library we will not have to do much about configuration, but at the level of the Java class we will have to add a few annotations:

@Entity will allow us to indicate that it is a class to be managed through JPA. With @Id we will indicate which is its primary key and with @GeneratedValue its generation will be managed. In the case of MySQL, it will be Auto.

In the first example, we’ll see that the JPA component is very similar to the SQL component. Only that we will use JPQL and we must indicate which is the entity on which we are going to perform the query.

The first thing we have to do is indicate which is the entity that we are going to generate. Then, if we want to make a JPQL query, we must add the ‘query’ parameter.

Furthermore, in this specific case, we want to obtain a book based on an identifier that comes as a parameter of the request, through the expression language. In order to achieve this, we will use the ToD method instead of To. It will allow us to route dynamically the flow and have the expression language interpreted.

Another quality of JPA is the namedQuery, which allows us to define JPQL queries at the class level. In the following example, we will see how to use namedQueries through the JPA component. The query to use is findAll (we have seen the declaration before).

In this second example, we can see the difference in using the outType method to indicate the type of an object at the output. Or if we prefer, we can indicate the same through the query parameter resultClass of the JPA component itself.

We can also do operations that allow us to persist such objects in the database. As we can see in previous example, in the case of saving the value, the operation is very simple. We only have to indicate the object to persist and use the query parameter usePersist to indicate that it should persist the object. Of course, the flow must include the data of the object to be stored.

For updates and deletion of data, we need to use the query parameter useExecuteUpdate. In this example, we will use the process method to create the object to be updated from the header and message body data.

Finally, we will see the example associated with data deletion. And by the way we will see how to make native queries. That is the use of common SQL language instead of JPQL.

As you can see, some queries can be a little more difficult than using simple SQL, but also others are very simple. And we are always working with objects. Which, when programming in an object-oriented language is very grateful.

