AutoScaling in Kubernetes ( HPA / VPA )

Pavan Kumar
Nerd For Tech
Published in
8 min readMar 28, 2021


Autoscale your applications in Kubernetes using Vertical Pod Autoscaler ( VPA ) and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler ( HPA )

What is Autoscaling?

Autoscaling is a method that dynamically scales up / down the number of computing resources that are being allocated to your application based on its needs. For example, you might have a situation where the load on your website increases only at the end of every month. You might need additional web servers to handle the load at the end of every month. But what about the rest of the days, your servers sit idle and your monthly cloud bill also increases. With Autoscaling enabled the number of servers can be increased/decreased based on the load and the number of users. While the world moving towards the Kubernetes era, autoscaling plays a major role in the scalability of containerized applications. In this article, we will try to understand the various types of autoscalers available in Kubernetes and try to understand the best suitable autoscaler for application in Kubernetes.

Autoscaling in Kubernetes. Image Credits Pavan Kumar using cloudskew :)

What is the entire story all about? (TLDR)

  1. Understand the various type of Autoscaling in Kubernetes ( HPA / VPA ).
  2. A live demo of both Horizontal Pod Autoscaler ( HPA ) and Vertical Pod Autoscaler ( VPA ).



Pavan Kumar
Nerd For Tech

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