Beer & Diaper-Retail Analytics

Gauri Guglani
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2023

I was surprised when I heard that there is some case study on beer and diaper. I was trying to logically reason the case study that how and why does this even exist like beer and diaper?? Researching on more got to know the in-detail story and the actual reason behind it which is very much analytical.

Source ~ Google


In the 1990s, a major retail chain wanted to better understand customer behavior and optimize their store layouts. They analyzed their sales data, hoping to uncover patterns that could lead to strategic improvements. During this analysis, they made an intriguing discovery: there was a strong correlation between the purchase of beer and diapers.

Initially, this correlation seemed puzzling. Beer and diapers are not typically associated with each other, and their connection was not immediately obvious. However, upon further investigation and analysis, the retailer found a compelling explanation.

They examined the shopping patterns of their customers and identified a specific demographic that was responsible for this correlation: young fathers. These fathers were often responsible for picking up diapers on their way home from work. Given the demands of parenting, they sought a small reward or indulgence for themselves. Hence, they would often grab a pack of beer during their shopping trip, combining their necessary purchase of diapers with a personal treat.

Armed with this newfound insight, the retailer recognized a significant business opportunity. They decided to leverage the correlation between beer and diapers by strategically placing the products in proximity to each other within their stores. Beer displays were positioned near the diaper section, making it more convenient for customers to find and purchase both items together.

This strategic store layout change had a remarkable impact. The retailer observed a significant increase in sales for both beer and diapers. By making it easier for customers to fulfill their needs in a single shopping trip, the retailer capitalized on the correlated purchase behavior and created a win-win situation for customers and their business.

The beer and diaper use case gained significant attention in the field of retail analytics. It became a classic example of how data analysis can reveal unexpected patterns and drive strategic decision-making. It also highlighted the value of understanding customer behavior and tailoring store layouts to optimize sales and enhance the overall shopping experience.

This case study serves as a reminder to businesses that valuable insights can be derived from analyzing sales data, even when it involves seemingly unrelated product categories. It emphasizes the power of data-driven decision-making and the potential for cross-selling and upselling based on customer purchasing patterns.

I hope you liked the case study!



Gauri Guglani
Nerd For Tech

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