Best Agile Project Management Methodology for RoR App Development in 2021

Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2021
best RoR app development company

Any developer, project manager, or technical executive understands the importance of a project management methodology. RoR application development is rapid, scalable, and powerful — for both startups and MNCs. Therefore, it is crucial to select the right methods for managing the project. Otherwise, even though you can hire the best RoR app development company, your web application would have poor quality code, lengthy timelines, and heavy complications — all because you chose the wrong methodology.

Development processes are now evolving. Companies are focusing on rapid application development. They need efficient web applications that are timely, reliable, and have the best quality of code. Since the complexities of each project are multiplying with heavy competition, project management is now becoming the game changer between faster app development and lagging processes.

Agile software project management is emerging as a popular choice among managers and developers alike. This article will highlight its importance for Ruby on Rails rapid application development, along with addressing the following -

  • The relevance of project management in 2021
  • 5 project management approaches for Rails applications
  • Why agile methodology is perfect for RoR apps

Checkout Why Your Business Needs Agile Development

Let’s dive deeper into the details of all the three.

The Relevance Of Project Management in 2021

Technical work is continuously integrating itself with knowledge work. If we talk about Ruby on Rails applications, projects are now getting complex. Since the framework has robust capabilities, you can easily stretch its limitations for different kinds of dynamic applications.

The increasing complications call for high-quality project management. Projectizing the work, sequencing it for completion, and monitoring timely delivery is now more essential than ever. With heavy competition, there’s a higher focus on managing projects.

Recent studies by PMI show that by 2027, there will be a demand for 88 million people in project-based jobs. Project managers are not just restricted to overlooking the completion of tasks — they are playing a much larger role as a strategic leader who can align the right resources and monitor them for the successful completion of a project.

Therefore, most of the companies are now transforming their project management into Agile processes. They want quick results — with a focus on quality. But before we look into the deeper aspects of agile approach project management, let’s understand the different methodologies for project management.

If you’re failing in Agile Development, you need to Read This

5 Project Management Approaches for Rails Applications

While most enterprises focus on the two highly-used philosophies — waterfall and agile, there are multiple others that help with the development process. Along with agile software project management, here are the 5 different approaches to managing projects for Ruby on Rails applications -

  1. Waterfall
    Also known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), waterfall is a systematic philosophy for project management, unlike the agile methodology. There’s a clear blueprint of what needs to be done without any iterations. The focus is to complete the activity in one-shot and do it the right way, without any feedback in between the process. The development cycle is usually lengthy and time-consuming.
  2. PRINCE2
    Based on the waterfall project management methodology, PRINCE2 is useful for full stack RoR app development services. The acronym stands for PRojects INControlled Environments. It is a sequential approach that defines the inputs and outputs from the initial stage -eliminating any uncertainty in the process. There is a clear structure for the team while the project manager monitors the lower-level, day-to-day tasks.
  3. Lean methodology
    Quickly becoming a sensation among the Ruby on Rails web development circle, the lean methodology focuses solely on efficiency. The purpose is to eliminate wastage and deliver the maximum results with the available resources. The three principles of lean methodology include — Muda (eliminating all waste), Mura (eliminating variations or iterations), and Muli (removing capacity overload).
  4. Scrumban
    A combination of Scrum and Kanban, the software development methodology provides flexibility like Kanban while providing an intact structure as Scrum. There are time boxed sprints, enabling the team to fill in tasks as they arise. The focus is to complete the task at hand rather than stressing about the entire sprint from the beginning. There are meetings to understand the scope of improvements for each project.
  5. Agile methodology
    One of the most used methods in any RoR app development company, Agile is the new face of efficient and effective software development. The focus is on collaboration between the different stakeholders, improving the code quality and responding quickly and favourably to change. Agile methodology has project management tools that can outperform inefficiencies by delivering a superior quality of products in a timely manner. Let’s look at why Ruby on Rails developers and companies prefer the agile approach.

Why Agile Methodology is Perfect for Ruby on Rails Apps

Agile methodology process is suitable for Ruby on Rails web applications due to its collaborative nature. Rails development offers rapid application development — agile adds the flexibility to it. Here are a few reasons why the agile approach to project management is perfect for RoR application development -

  1. Better code quality
    Agile focuses on continuous testing, enabling Ruby on Rails developers to keep on checking for bugs and errors. They can fix errors and issues in every sprint and then move on to the next one. It leads to better code quality as the improvement is done on an on-going basis.
  2. Rapid MVP development
    Combined with Ruby on Rails, agile is the perfect solution for rapid application development. You can build prototypes with each sprint, and then add new features to every release. It eliminates the chances of project failure as the product is operational since the initial phase.
  3. Higher productivity
    Most developers consider agile as the best methodology for project management due to its higher productivity. Since iterations are easily done, and collaborations are seamless, there’s no time wasted on discussions and planning. The agile team builds products that are rapid, scalable, and powerful from the beginning. They ultimately deliver more output in less time.
  4. Improved predictability
    Another benefit of agile methodology for project management is that it offers improved predictability. Since the project is divided into sprints, the project managers can easily predict the timeline, costs, and resources required for the completion of each activity. Improved predictability also reduces wastage and leads to higher chances of succeeding with the estimates.

Read more: What Are Agile Software Development Managers Responsible for?

Conclusion: Agile is Perfect for RoR Web Development in 2021

Agile is proving itself to be a highly assertive project management methodology in 2021. It is sufficient for reliable and scalable applications that require rapid development. In essence, the quick feedback and responsive nature of agile software development makes it the perfect methodology to get quickly marketable Ruby on Rails applications.

For rapid prototyping from a team of agile experts, consult with BoTree Technologies. We deliver high-quality products within your desired time frame — under a budget!

Contact us now.



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