Breaking Down AI Jargon: Understanding the Core Concepts

Abirami Vina
Nerd For Tech
Published in
11 min readAug 9, 2023


A Beginner’s Guide to Speaking AI

The Layers of a Mindmap on AI

Artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm, and plenty of new vocabulary comes with it. With changing times, it’s good to stay updated and understand the new jargon. A lot of AI terms are pretty similar, and it’s fairly common to see a person meaning something and mentioning something else. Even as an AI developer, I’m sure I’ve tripped over these terms in discussions more than once. So, here’s a little meme-filled guide to help you talk like you know all the ins and outs of AI.

The Main Players

Apparently, I make memes now.

Computer vision, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, robotics, and expert systems have emerged as the main players that have propelled AI into the spotlight of innovation and progress. Let’s go over each of them and get an intuitive feel for what they represent.

Computer Vision

An example of object detection. Source

Imagine if your computer could see and understand the world around it, just like we do. That’s where Computer Vision comes in — it’s like giving eyes to machines. And at the heart of this magic are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a special kind of brain that learns to recognize shapes and objects by breaking them down into smaller pieces. Think of it as solving a puzzle — the Convolution Layer identifies different parts, and the Pooling Layer helps put them together.

But that’s not all — Computer Vision can also tell the difference between objects and even figure out where they are in a picture or a video. Imagine you’re playing hide and seek with your friends— that’s Object Tracking! It can keep an eye on them, even when they move around.

An example of object tracking. Source

Another cool computer vision technique is Image Segmentation. Just like coloring inside the lines of a drawing, Image Segmentation divides pictures into meaningful parts. Semantic Segmentation labels everything with colors so the computer knows what’s what. Instance Segmentation goes a step further — it’s like giving names to each object in your room, so the computer recognizes them individually.

The types of segmentation. Source

In a nutshell, Computer Vision is the art of teaching machines to see, recognize, and understand the world — just like we do with our eyes and brains.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)


What if computers could not only understand words but also grasp the deeper meanings behind human language? That’s where Natural Language Processing (NLP) comes in. Think of it as giving machines the ability to read, understand, and even converse with us, just like a friend would.

Let’s break down some cool NLP tricks. Tokenization is like breaking a sentence into pieces, either whole sentences or individual words, so that the computer can understand them better. It’s like making a jigsaw puzzle out of sentences!

Then there’s POS Tagging, where the computer identifies the roles words play in sentences, kind of like labeling whether a word is a noun, verb, or adjective. It’s like giving words their own special badges.

Ever heard of Word Embedding? It’s like teaching computers the meaning behind words by representing them as numbers. Word2Vec and GloVe are like magic tools that turn words into code, so computers can understand their context and relationships.

LSTM, on the other hand, is like a memory wizard that helps computers understand the order of words in sentences. It has special compartments for remembering, forgetting, and peeking into previous information — just like a smart memory box.

Transformers are like language superheroes. They use self-attention to understand which words are important and then put all the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle. It’s like having a team of experts working together to understand every bit of a sentence.

Using a meme to give you an idea of what the architecture of a transformer looks like. Source

And what about N-grams? They’re like little word groups — bigrams are pairs of words, and trigrams are triples. It’s like finding friends who always hang out together in sentences.

Lastly, Named Entity Recognition is like spotting VIPs in a crowd — the computer identifies names, places, and important terms. It’s like having a personal name detector for your text.

Natural Language Processing is like turning words into a language that computers can understand and use to chat with us. It’s like giving machines a language superpower, making them not just smart, but linguistically savvy.

Machine Learning


Alright, let’s demystify Machine Learning — it’s like teaching computers to learn and make decisions on their own. Think of it as coaching a friend to play a new game.

Neural Networks are the superstar players. They’re made of layers that work like brain cells, each doing its bit to understand the game. Activation Functions are like mood switches — they determine if the neurons should be happy or not.

Supervised Learning is like playing with hints — you show the computer examples and let it guess the answers. Regression is for predicting numbers, like guessing how many points a player will score. Classification is like sorting things into groups — it’s like guessing if something is a fruit or a vegetable.

Unsupervised Learning is more like exploring without hints. Clustering is like grouping similar things together, while Dimensionality Reduction simplifies the game by focusing on the important stuff.

Reinforcement Learning is teaching computers to play by rewarding them. It’s like training a dog — you give treats for good moves. Policies are like strategies, Value Functions rate how good a move is, and Q-learning is the trick of learning from mistakes.

The types of learning. Source

Deep Learning is the heavyweight champion. Convolutional Networks are like expert players in games involving images. Recurrent Networks remember previous moves and actions. Generative Models? They’re like artists creating new game pieces.


Overfitting is the troublemaker — it’s when the computer memorizes the game instead of understanding it. Regularization Techniques help keep things under control. Underfitting, on the other hand, is when the computer doesn’t try hard enough. It’s like playing with someone who doesn’t really get the game.

Machine Learning is all about making computers smarter by training them like players. Whether they’re learning from examples, playing without hints, or figuring out their own strategies, it’s like turning machines into game masters.



Robotics is like bringing machines to life, making them move, think, and explore. Inverse Kinematics is the puppeteer — it figures out how to move robot parts to reach a specific spot. Forward Kinematics? It’s about understanding where those parts will end up. Think of it as the dance of robot arms and legs.

Then there’s SLAM, which is like giving robots a map and a GPS. Odometry helps track where they move, and Loop Closure makes sure they don’t forget where they’ve been. It’s like playing “I Spy” while exploring.

Imagine a special language for robots — that’s ROS. Nodes are like tiny brains, Topics are like messages they send to each other, and Services are tasks they can do for each other. It’s like a robot hangout where they chat and help out.

Sensor Fusion is the mastermind — it combines different sensors like eyes and ears to create a complete picture. Kalman Filters and Particle Filters are like filters for your photos — they make sure the information looks sharp and accurate.


And lastly, Path Planning is like giving robots a GPS for the best route. A* Algorithm is their map app, finding the shortest path, and D* Algorithm adapts to changes on the go — just like plotting your journey to avoid traffic.

Expert Systems

Alright, let’s dive into the world of Expert Systems — it’s like having a super-smart friend who knows a lot about a particular topic and can help solve tricky problems.

Think of the Knowledge Base as their brain — it’s where they store all kinds of information. Factual Knowledge is stuff like dates and facts, while Inferential Knowledge is more like understanding what those facts mean.

Now, imagine an Inference Engine as their decision-making engine. It’s like their thinking cap. Forward Chaining is when they start with the facts they know and move towards conclusions. Backward Chaining is the opposite — they start with a goal and work backward to find the evidence they need.

Rule-based systems. Source

Rule-based Systems are like their rulebook — full of IF-THEN instructions. It’s like giving them a bunch of “if this happens, then do that” statements.

Bias and Fairness: Keeping the Players in Check

A crucial topic that often takes center stage in AI is bias and fairness. It aims to ensure that the algorithms and systems we create don’t inadvertently favor certain groups or perpetuate unfairness. It’s like establishing a set of rules to keep the fields of AI in check, making sure the game is played fairly and nobody gets an unfair advantage.

Algorithmic Bias is when computers unintentionally favor one group over another. Just like players have different strengths, computers might accidentally treat some people differently.

Ethical AI is all about making sure the AI players follow the rules. Accountability ensures they’re responsible for their actions, and Transparency ensures we know why they make certain decisions.

Fairness Metrics are like scoreboards for fairness. Equal Opportunity means giving everyone a fair chance, just like making sure every player gets to play. Disparate Impact checks if the rules affect some players more than others.

Honorable Mentions

We’ve been through quite some words at this point, but there are a few honorable mentions that AI wouldn’t be the same without.

Andrew Ng


Andrew Ng is a computer scientist, educator, and entrepreneur known for his significant contributions to the development and popularization of AI technologies. Ng co-founded Google Brain, an AI research project, and has played a pivotal role in shaping AI education and research.

He is renowned for his work in creating accessible and informative online courses that have helped millions of learners around the world understand AI and machine learning concepts. Ng has also been a professor at Stanford University and co-founded the online learning platform Coursera, offering courses on a wide range of subjects, including AI and machine learning.

Ng’s expertise has had a profound impact on making AI knowledge more accessible to a global audience, empowering people to delve into this rapidly evolving field and contribute to its advancements.


OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organization that aims to advance and develop AI technologies for the betterment of humanity. OpenAI’s approach involves conducting cutting-edge research in the field of AI, developing advanced AI models and algorithms, and sharing their findings with the broader community.

They are known for creating influential AI models like GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), which has gained attention for its impressive natural language understanding and generation capabilities.


TensorFlow and PyTorch


TensorFlow and PyTorch are two popular open-source machine learning frameworks that developers and researchers use to build and train artificial intelligence models.

TensorFlow, developed by Google, is a powerful framework that offers a wide range of tools and libraries for various machine learning tasks. It’s known for its flexibility and scalability, making it suitable for both beginners and experts. TensorFlow allows developers to create complex neural networks, handle large datasets, and deploy models across different platforms.

PyTorch, developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab (FAIR), is another widely used framework that has gained popularity for its dynamic computational graph and intuitive design. It’s especially favored by researchers and academics due to its simplicity and ease of use. PyTorch allows for more intuitive model creation and debugging, making it a great choice for prototyping and experimenting with new ideas.

Edge Computing

Edge computing, in the context of AI, refers to the practice of processing and analyzing data directly at or near the source of data generation, rather than sending all the data to a centralized cloud or data center for processing. This approach is particularly relevant for AI applications that require real-time or near-real-time responses, as it reduces latency and can enhance the overall efficiency of AI systems.


Applications of edge computing in AI include real-time image recognition on surveillance cameras, predictive maintenance in industrial equipment, real-time language translation on mobile devices, and more.

Generative AI

Generative AI, particularly Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), is an exciting branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content, such as images, music, text, and more, using machine learning algorithms.

At the heart of this concept is the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), which consists of two neural networks: the generator and the discriminator. The generator creates new content, while the discriminator’s job is to differentiate between real and generated content. These networks work in a competitive, yet collaborative manner. As the generator gets better at creating content that the discriminator can’t easily distinguish from real data, the overall quality of generated content improves.


GANs have led to remarkable applications, such as generating lifelike images, creating realistic video game characters, composing music, and even generating text. This technology opens doors to creative possibilities by allowing AI to produce content that mirrors human-generated creations.


So there you have it! Your very own pocket-sized meme-filled AI jargon guide that translates techie-talk into plain English. Dive into conversations with confidence. AI is all about curiosity and exploration, and now you’re armed with the right lingo to join the AI adventure. Happy chatting!


Always remember to keep your eyes and ears open for the latest in AI. Thanks for reading and learning with me. Farwell, till our next adventure into AI.



Abirami Vina
Nerd For Tech

I'm the Founder and Chief Writer at Scribe of AI. I write because it's the next best thing to Dumbledore's Pensieve. I believe in love, kindness, and dreaming.