How to Build NFT Marketplace From Scratch?

Jonas Wald
Nerd For Tech
Published in
8 min readJan 29, 2024

In today’s blockchain era, investing in NFT marketplace development has become a popular business idea. Many startups are interested in the features and potential of NFT Marketplaces. While there are different methods to create an NFT marketplace, building one from scratch provides the most flexibility and benefits for the business.

NFT Marketplace Development From Scratch

If you want to know about the advantages of building an NFT marketplace from scratch and whether it’s worth it, refer to this blog. The blog covers important topics such as the reasons for considering a custom build, successful NFT marketplace platforms, popular NFTs, and the cost of creating a marketplace.

Let us start with…

Reasons to invest in Building an NFT Marketplace from Scratch

Investing in building an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) marketplace from scratch can be a strategic decision for several reasons:

Market Growth Potential

The NFT market has shown explosive growth, with significant interest from artists, creators, and investors alike. Establishing a marketplace positions you at the forefront of a rapidly expanding sector.

Revenue Opportunities

Operating an NFT marketplace allows you to earn revenue through transaction fees, listing fees, featured placements, and potentially through secondary market transactions. These revenue streams can be substantial as the market matures.

Control Over Technology and Security

By developing from scratch, you have full control over the technology stack, ensuring scalability, security, and compliance with evolving regulatory standards. This control is crucial for building trust among users and maintaining operational integrity.

Supporting Innovation and Communities

NFTs are not just about digital assets but also about building communities around creators and collectors. A well-designed marketplace can foster innovation, support emerging artists, and provide a platform for diverse forms of creativity.

Future-Proofing Your Business

Investing in an NFT marketplace positions your business at the intersection of digital art, gaming, collectibles, and potentially other industries that leverage NFT technology. This diversification can future-proof your business against market shifts.

Building an NFT marketplace from scratch requires significant investment in terms of time, resources, and expertise. However, for businesses looking to capitalize on the burgeoning NFT market and establish a strong foothold in the digital economy, the potential rewards can be substantial.

Now you may raise a question? How am I going to build an NFT marketplace from scratch?

Don’t worry mate I heard you, let me explain how exactly you can build an NFT marketplace from scratch. Whom can you approach?

Build NFT Marketplace from Scratch — Road Map

The whole NFT marketplace development from scratch is one prominent task. The blockchain’s core feature of being an open-source network allows any startup to build crypto services of their own. The generatable revenue and community-driven system act as a glamorous feature to attract startups. The steps to build an NFT marketplace from Scratch are as follows,

Roadmap to Build NFT Marketplace from Scratch

1. Identify Audience

To build an NFT Marketplace from Scratch means doing everything from the very start. So the first and foremost step is to identify your market audience. As mentioned before, NFTs are of many types. So to build an NFT marketplace that fits the standards is one thing. Either you need to build a community that focuses on art-related things, gaming platforms, or a mixture of everything. Deciding this first will only help you to strategize your platform according to your needs.

2. Choosing Blockchain

After deciding upon the target audience and drafting a plan that fits your business requirement strategies, the next step is to choose a blockchain network. Choosing a blockchain network that aligns with your needs is a wise option.

3. Designing Unique Features

In the process of building an NFT marketplace from scratch the next step is to make your platform user-friendly. Adding unique features that distinguish your platform from competitors is an advantage.

Including unique features like filter searches, trade options, and an easy interface makes your platform stand out. Matching the platform’s UI to your market goal is a strategy to attract your platform’s users and audience.

4. Building Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are pre-built agreements that enable the smooth functioning of the system. Building these smart contracts and customizing them according to the user’s needs will help in avoiding future vulnerabilities.

5. Deciding upon Monetization strategy

There are many ways one can generate revenue by using the NFT platforms. It is up to him to decide upon the method he wants to adopt to earn revenue. The startups can earn by charging:

  • Listing fee (charged at the time of users posting NFTs )
  • Transaction fee (charged for every transaction done in the marketplace)
  • Bidders fee (charged while auctioning )
  • Ads & Collaborations (by allowing to post advertisements and engaging collaboration activities)

The startup can choose any method and they are the ones who set up the fee value and percentages according to their needs.

6. Payment and Wallet Integration

Integrating digital wallets and deciding and setting up the Crypto payment gateway is the next task. This enables the users to buy, sell, and auction the NFTs seamlessly. Using this both the platform owners and users can check, and transfer their balances easily.

7. Testing and Deployment

The final step is to test your platform for any technical bugs or vulnerabilities arising thereby. After testing is done, deploying your platform at the right time with some target marketing activities might lead you toward success.

With ample opportunities available and while the NFT market is still in its beginning era. This might be your opportunity to Build an NFT Marketplace to have a leading future tomorrow.

If you still have any doubts about building an NFT marketplace from scratch, let me assure you by presenting the successful NFT marketplace platforms.

Best and Most Popular NFT Marketplaces in Market

In the crypto market, there are several popular NFT marketplaces catering to NFT enthusiasts. I’ve compiled a list of five successful platforms highly favored in the NFT community based on their popularity and feedback.

OpenSea NFT Marketplace

OpenSea is a renowned NFT marketplace with nearly 1 million users. It is the world’s first and most popular NFT marketplace, offering easy NFT trading and creation. OpenSea is a cross-chain platform, initially starting with Ethereum and expanding compatibility across various blockchains.

Rarible Marketplace

Rarible is a cross-chain platform requiring an Ethereum wallet and ETH for NFT trading. It offers unique digital collectibles and has its native tokens called Rari tokens. The platform provides selective filter searches, resembling e-commerce platforms, allowing users to search based on their preferences.

Blur NFT Platform

Even though launched in 2022, Blur has gained trust as a reliable NFT marketplace. It differentiates itself by offering zero transaction fees, a customizable fee structure, and an intuitive user interface. Blur is an NFT marketplace and aggregator for NFTs within the Ethereum network.

Axie-Infinity NFT Marketplace

Axie-Infinity, inspired by cartoon characters, provides an appealing user interface and engaging characters. The platform introduces a “play-to-earn” concept and offers various features for revenue generation. It is built on the Ronin, a sidechain of the Ethereum blockchain, and revolves around the SLP (Small Love Potion) economy.

Solsea NFT Marketplace

Built on the Solana Blockchain, Solsea offers unique features such as calendar features and license embedding. It supports three major wallets: Sollet, Phantom, and Solflare. Users are impressed by the good user experience and 3D scanning of NFTs offered by Solsea.

These NFT marketplaces are popular among crypto users and are supported by listed NFTs. NFTs play a crucial role in the marketization of your platform. Having unique and rare NFT collections can attract more users. Some noteworthy NFTs are ranked on the popular CoinmarketCap site.

So far, we have seen various aspects of creating the NFT Marketplace. After seeing the steps involved, you may think building an NFT marketplace from the ground up is a daunting task.

Don’t worry, I’ll give you the solution for….

Where to build NFT Marketplace from Scratch?

Any freelancers or developers can build NFT marketplace from scratch. But nothing stands near as approaching professionally. Getting help from professionals will allow you to build an NFT marketplace from scratch with less worry. This means you are getting a partner with you to work up. After discussing these many cases, overviewing some benefits will help you in finalizing your decision.

When selecting a specialized NFT marketplace development company to create your platform from the ground up, you can enjoy several key advantages. You can benefit from their in-depth knowledge of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and tailored user experience for NFTs.

Additionally, you can have a platform customized to your specific needs, whether that be art, gaming, or other digital assets, ensuring unique features and design. This can also guarantee robust security measures and compliance with regulations, safeguarding digital assets and user data.

By working with a specialized company, you can accelerate time to market with pre-built frameworks and receive ongoing support for maintenance and scalability. Moreover, you can tap into their network for strategic collaborations with artists, creators, and industry platforms, enhancing marketplace visibility and content quality.

Overall, choosing an experienced NFT marketplace developer team can provide a competitive edge in this fast-growing sector by combining technical prowess with strategic insight for long-term success.

But considering all these, you might think it’s expensive.

Calm down! No Judgments! Allow me to break down the cost for you.

Cost to Build NFT Marketplace from Scratch

By building the whole process from Scratch, you can alter, add, or delete features that fit your business requirements. At the end of the day, the cost you are spending is an Investment, a trusted returnable investment.

To be more precise, to build an NFT marketplace from Scratch, the estimated cost is around $1,00,000 - $3,00,000. However, this cost might vary depending on many factors and features. But I would still strongly suggest building an NFT Marketplace from scratch.

Although investing in a business out of the Crypto universe will allow you to earn income. But the said income comes along with the inclusion of other commencement charges and the regular need for manpower. Here you are the boss of your own, you don’t need to worry about any pending office rents or unpaid salaries.

You will in most cases have a profitable income than what you expected from the trade done on your platform. While you are reading this blog someone might have been drafting their business plan. It’s never too late to start your platform toward a realistic, reliable future!!


To summarize the entire writing, if you are a person who wants to create your own successful crypto business. Then investing in NFT Marketplace development is one best options for you.

Remember the key is to strategize your platform according to your business requirements and current market needs. All you have to do now is to get in touch with professional NFT marketplace development companies. But doing it professionally is always better!



Jonas Wald
Nerd For Tech

I’ve been exploring and helping people to figure various aspects for one to build an empire based on the blockchain technology and crypto.