C++20 three way comparison operator — ensure backward compatibility: Part 8

Gajendra Gulgulia
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2021


In part one till seven of the tutorial series, we looked at how to use the C++20’s three way comparison operator. In this part of the tutorial series, we’ll look at the compatibility issues when using objects that were constructed before C++20 with the three way comparison operator and how to resolve them

1. Introduction

Consider the code below:

struct Cpp17{
int num_;
bool operator==(const Cpp17& rhs)const{
return (num_ == rhs.num_)

bool operator <(const Cpp17& rhs)const{
return (num_ < rhs.num_);
bool operator >(const Cpp17& rhs)const{
return (num_ > rhs.num_);
struct Cpp20{
Cpp17 obj_;
auto operator <=>(const Cpp20& rhs) const = default;

Writing such code may be fine until one tries to use and compare them:

int main(){
Cpp20 a, b;
auto result = a <=> b;

This results in a compiler error. On my machine with gcc 10.2, I get the following compiler error (only the relevant error information is shown):

no match for 'operator<=>' (operand types are 'Cpp17' and 'Cpp17')
| Cpp17 obj_;

