C# — Delegates, Actions, Events. Summary please!

GM Fuster
Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readApr 15, 2021

I don’t know if I’m the only one, but for some reason, I have “understood” this many times, and forgotten and gotten confused as many times. I’m trying to write some clear notes for me that maybe can help somebody else too. CLEAR being the key word here. I’ll try.

I want to mention delegates, and then the .NET types that we can use as delegates for some scenarios. Let’s go!

Regular Delegates

A delegate in C# is a type that refers to methods with a parameter list and return type. Delegates are used to pass methods as arguments to other methods.

OK, that is correct but I would not be able to say it back even after reading it. Let’s see a delegate first.

The delegate doesn’t care whether the methods are static or not so it will work well with both types. Here are some examples of methods that will work with that delegate.

We can set one or more methods to run with one delegate. In the case that we are retuning a value from the method (like Decimal above), it makes sense to set the delegate to a specific method depending on something (since we have to store the returned value somewhere), just like you can see with this code:

Decimal result = 0;
//Use the Calculation type of delegate
Calculation delegateCalcHandler = null;
var random = new Random();
int x = random.Next(1, 5);// random number 1-4
//class just to indicate we can use static or instance methods
SumSub sumSub = new SumSub();
//just to assigned some method at random
switch (x)
case 1:
delegateCalcHandler = sumSub.Sum;
case 2:
delegateCalcHandler = sumSub.Sub;
case 3:
delegateCalcHandler = Prod;
case 4:
delegateCalcHandler = Div;
delegateCalcHandler = sumSub.Sum;
//call the delegate, which will call whatever method was assigned at random
result = delegateCalcHandler(3, 4);

If we wanted to call more than one method with the same delegate, we would replace the random assignment above with something like this.

//have the delegate handler call all the methodsdelegateCalcHandler = sumSub.Sum;
delegateCalcHandler += sumSub.Sub;
delegateCalcHandler += Prod;
delegateCalcHandler += Div;
delegateCalcHandler(2, 1);//will call all the methods.

Methods are not guaranteed to be called in the order they were added to the delegate. Delegates are objects, so they can also be passed to other methods. In that example, once we have the delegateCalcHandler, we could pass it to another method like this:

//pass the delegate to UsePassedDelegate
private void UsePassedDelegate(Calculation calc)
Decimal d = calc(3, 2);

Just like you can add methods to a delegate with the += notation, you can remove methods with -=.


When the methods we are using are returning void we can use the Action type provided by C#. .NET provides a set of Action types, from Action with no arguments, to Action with 16 arguments (Action, Action<T1>, Action <T1, T2>…).

Actions can also be for static and instance methods, but I’m not going to use any more static ones for the sake of simplicity.

The parameters used for actions can be anything, and they don’t have to all be the same type.

When you create Action delegates in a class (I have it inside the method in my example), they are created as properties with set and get methods, so it’s possible for code outside the class to access them. You can add the event keyword to them and then they are created as fields instead of properties.

Update Func<>:

As somebody pointed out in the comments, it’s worth mentioning that similar to the Actions, you also have Funcs. Actions are used for when the methods return void, while with Funcs you will have a return value. However, similar to the example I have above for Actions, if I do this, the last one in wins:

public string ReturnAdd(int x, int y)
return (x + y).ToString();
public string ReturnMult(int x, int y)
return (x * y).ToString();
//take 2 ints, return a string
Func<int, int, string> myFunc = ReturnMult;
myFunc += ReturnAdd;
//the console will print 6, and if I change the order in which
//they are assigned, 9. Last one in wins

So that doesn’t make a lot of sense, so what’s the point? For starters a Func is a delegate object, not a method, so you can pass it around. You could have this, and it would work.

public void TakeAFunc( Func<int,int,string> arg)
Console.WriteLine(" in TakeAFunc");
Console.WriteLine(arg(3, 3));
Func<int, int, string> myFunc = ReturnMult;

Just like you can pass it, you can do the other things you can do with objects. You could also do something like this.

Func<int, int, string>? myFunc = null;
var rand = new Random();
int i = rand.Next(0, 10);
if (i < 5)
myFunc = delegate (int x, int y)
return ((x * 10) * (y * 10)).ToString();
myFunc = delegate (int x, int y)
return ((x + 10 + y).ToString());

Or even better, instead of using the delegate way in the assignments above:

myFunc = (x, y) => { return ((x * 10) * (y * 10)).ToString(); };
myFunc = (x, y) => { return ((x + 10 + y).ToString()); };

Actions with the event keyword

When you create the Actions as Events in a class, they are created as fields not properties with get and set properties. Also, they are assigned a delegate on creation, so there is no need to check for null before calling it.

If you are going to use events, use EventHandler instead of event Action

A better way to do events is with the EventHandler. It is better because it allows subscribers to be given data about the event.

If we are using EventHandlers, the methods we can use with them need to have the parameters (Object sender, EventArgs e)

We will probably need to pass some customized information to the methods, and we can do that by creating a class that inherits from EventArgs.

In this case, the event is created this way:

private static event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> RaiseMyEvent=delegate{};

Dealing With Exceptions

What happens if we have more than one subscriber and we are not handling exceptions?

We could take care of the problem this way:

If we don’t want to have the try-catch blocks in each method, we can also do this:

And those are the notes I have so far for delegates, actions, and events.

If you read this far, I hope this helps. If you think something is not right or confusing, please let me know.

Thank you!



GM Fuster
Nerd For Tech

Software Dev. Always learning. Some notes here.