C Interview Questions 03: Bitwise Operations / Sizes of Structs / Volatile

With hands-on examples

Yu-Cheng (Morton) Kuo
Nerd For Tech
10 min readDec 16, 2023


Continuing from the previous article.

C Interview Questions 02: Makefile, Scope and Lifetime, Call by Value, & Data Types


(0) Warm-Up
(1) Q01: Swap two variables without using a temporary variable
(2) Q02: Use bitwise AND (&) for checking a number is odd or even
(3) Q03: Use bitwise OR(|), XOR(^), AND(&) to toggle a specific bit. Use bitwise left-shift or right-shift for multiplication & division by power of 2
(4) Q04: How to convert 0000 1011 into 0000 0010?
(5) Q05: Use bitwise AND (&) for computing the lowest bit of a number (i.e., the rightmost 1)
(6) Q06: How to clears the lowest set bit (the rightmost 1 of a binary) using bitwise operations?
(7) Q07: Identify the sizes of the structs below
(8) Q08: Explain the keyword volatile
(9) References

(0) Warm-Up


1. A ^ 0 = A
2. A ^ A = 0
3. A ^ B = B ^ A
4. (A ^ B) ^ c = A ^ (B ^ c)

0–2 2’s complement: x + x_bar = -1

For an unsigned integer x, since 2 + 2_bar = -1, -2 = 2_bar + 1, then

2 = 0000 0010

2_bar = 1111 1101

-2 = 2_bar + 1 = 1111 1101 + 0000 0001 = 1111 1110

(1) Q01: Swap two variables without using a temporary variable

// Method 01
a = a ^ b;
b = a ^ b; // Now b = original a
a = a ^ b; // Now a = original b

// Method 02
a = a + b;
b = a - b; // Now b = original a
a = a - b; // Now a = original b

// Method 03
a = a * b;
b = a / b; // Now b = original a
a = a / b; // Now a = original b
  • Method 01 (XOR Swap): Safe from overflow and underflow.
  • Method 02 (Addition and Subtraction Swap): Potential for overflow.
  • Method 03 (Multiplication and Division Swap): High risk of overflow and the additional risk of division by zero. Underflow could be a concern with floating-point numbers.

So method one is always the best option.

(2) Q02: Use bitwise AND (&) for checking a number is odd or even

x = num & 1 
  • If x = 0, num is even.
  • If x = 1, num is odd.

(3) Q03: Use bitwise OR(|), XOR(^), AND(&) to toggle a specific bit. Use bitwise left-shift or right-shift for multiplication & division by power of 2

num |= (1 << i); // Toggle a specific bit using bitwise OR
num ^= (1 << i); // Toggle the same specific bit using bitwise XOR
num &= ~(1 << i); // Toggle the same specific bit using bitwise AND with a negated mask

num >> n; // Right-shift for division by 2^n
num << n; // Left-shift for multiplication by 2^n

(4) Q04: How to convert 0000 1011 into 0000 0010?

Solution 01: Right shift

0000 1011 >> 2 = 0000 0010

Solution 02: Bitwise AND

0000 1011 & 0000 0110 = 0000 0010

Solution 03: XOR

0000 1011 ^ 0000 1001 = 0000 0010

(5) Q05: Use bitwise AND (&) for computing the lowest bit of a number (i.e., the rightmost 1)

num & (-num)

It may seems weird at first glance, so let’s see a toy example:

#include <stdio.h>

void printBinary(short int num) {
short int bits = sizeof(num) * 8; // Number of bits in an integer (typically 32 or 64 bits)
for (int i = bits - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
short int bit = (num >> i) & 1; // Extract the i-th bit
printf("%d", bit);

int main() {
short int binaryNum = 0b11010000;

printf("num = %d \n", binaryNum);
printf("Binary representation of num: ");

printf("\n-num = %d \n", -binaryNum);
printf("Binary representation of num: ");

printf("\nnum & (-num) = %d \n", binaryNum & (-binaryNum));
printf("Binary representation of num & (-num): ");
printBinary(binaryNum & (-binaryNum));

return 0;

The output goes:

num = 208
Binary representation of num: 0000000011010000

-num = -208
Binary representation of num: 1111111100110000

num & (-num) = 16
Binary representation of num: 0000000000010000

(6) Q06: How to clears the lowest set bit (the rightmost 1 of a binary) using bitwise operations?

num & (num - 1)

Let’s look at an example:

#include <stdio.h>

void printBinary(short int num) {
short int bits = sizeof(num) * 8; // Number of bits in an integer (typically 32 or 64 bits)
for (int i = bits - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
short int bit = (num >> i) & 1; // Extract the i-th bit
printf("%d", bit);

int main() {
short int binaryNum = 0b11010000;

// printf("num = %d \n", binaryNum);
printf("Binary representation of num: ");

// printf("\n-num = %d \n", binaryNum - 1);
printf("Binary representation of (num - 1): ");
printBinary(binaryNum - 1);

printf("\nnum & (num - 1) = %d \n", binaryNum & (-binaryNum));
printf("Binary representation of num & (num - 1): ");
printBinary(binaryNum & (binaryNum - 1));

return 0;

The output:

Binary representation of num: 0000000011010000
Binary representation of (num - 1): 0000000011001111

num & (num - 1) = 16
Binary representation of num & (num - 1): 0000000011000000

Refer to 338. Counting Bits on LeetCode for the application of this technique. The solution to this problem goes like:

class Solution {
vector<int> countBits(int n) {
vector<int> ans(n + 1);
// cf. vector<int> ans(n + 1, 5); | vector<int> ans{5, 6};
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
ans[i] = ans[i & (i - 1)] + 1;
return ans;

(7) Q07: Identify the sizes of the structs below

struct Example_01 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte

struct Example_02 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
float d; // 4 bytes

struct Example_03 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
double d; // 8 bytes

struct Example_04 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
long d; // 4 bytes

struct Example_05 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
long long d;// 8 bytes

Alignment and Padding

Each data type in a struct has a preferred alignment, usually based on its size. The compiler inserts padding between members and sometimes at the end of the struct to ensure each member is aligned properly. The alignment of a struct as a whole is typically determined by its largest member.

Let’s see the C code. Notice that Example_03, Example_05, Example_06 are quite different from others.

#include <stdio.h>

struct Example_01 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte

struct Example_02 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
float d; // 4 bytes

struct Example_03 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
double d; // 8 bytes

struct Example_04 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
long d; // 4 bytes

struct Example_05 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
long long d;// 8 bytes

struct Example_06 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
short int d;// 2 bytes

int main() {
printf("Size of struct Example_01: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Example_01));
printf("Size of struct Example_02: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Example_02));
printf("Size of struct Example_03: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Example_03));
printf("Size of struct Example_04: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Example_04));
printf("Size of struct Example_05: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Example_05));
printf("Size of struct Example_05: %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Example_06));
return 0;

And the output:

Size of struct Example_01: 12 bytes
Size of struct Example_02: 16 bytes
Size of struct Example_03: 24 bytes
Size of struct Example_04: 16 bytes
Size of struct Example_05: 24 bytes
Size of struct Example_05: 12 bytes

Now, let’s figure out why. It’s due to the 4-byte/8-byte alignment requirement. We’ll use memory layouts to explain this.

struct Example_01 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte

struct Example_01:

  • char a; // 1 byte
  • Padding: 3 bytes (to align int b)
  • int b; // 4 bytes
  • char c; // 1 byte
  • Padding: 3 bytes (to align the struct to a multiple of 4 bytes, for array purposes)
  • Total size: 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 12 bytes
struct Example_02 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
float d; // 4 bytes

struct Example_02 (with float):

  • char a; // 1 byte
  • Padding: 3 bytes (to align int b)
  • int b; // 4 bytes
  • char c; // 1 byte
  • Padding: 3 bytes (to align float d)
  • float d; // 4 bytes
  • Total size: 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 16 bytes
struct Example_03 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
double d; // 8 bytes

struct Example_03 (with double):

  • The total size would be: 1 (for a) + 3 (padding) + 4 (for b) + 1 (for c) + 7 (padding) + 8 (for d) = 24 bytes.
struct Example_04 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
long d; // 4 bytes

struct Example_04 (assuming long is 4 bytes):

  • char a; // 1 byte
  • Padding: 3 bytes (to align int b)
  • int b; // 4 bytes
  • char c; // 1 byte
  • Padding: 3 bytes (to align long d)
  • long d; // 4 bytes
  • Total size: 1 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 16 bytes
struct Example_05 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
long long d;// 8 bytes

struct Example_05:

  • The total size would be: 1 (for a) + 3 (padding) + 4 (for b) + 1 (for c) + 7 (padding) + 8 (for d) = 24 bytes.
struct Example_06 {
char a; // 1 byte
int b; // 4 bytes (typically, depends on the system)
char c; // 1 byte
short int d;// 2 bytes

struct Example_06:

  • The total size would be: 1 (for a) + 3 (padding) + 4 (for b) + 1 (for c) + 1 (padding) + 2 (for d) = 12 bytes.
Retrived from Microcontroller Embedded C Programming Lecture 149| Calculating structure size manually with and without padding

(8) Q08: Explain the keyword volatile

In embedded systems, which often deal with I/O, interrupts, and real-time operating systems (RTOS), the volatile keyword is particularly important. A variable modified by volatile indicates that it may be updated unexpectedly. Therefore, it informs the compiler not to optimize the code involving this variable. Instead, each time the variable is accessed, it should read the latest value from the actual memory address, rather than reading the value from a register.

Common applications of volatile:

  • (1) Hardware registers of devices (such as status registers)
  • (2) Modifying global variables in multi-threaded environments
  • (3) Modifying global variables that may be altered in an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

Combination of const and volatile:

extern const volatile unsigned int rt_clock;

This is a common declaration in RTOS kernels: rt_clock usually refers to the system clock, which is frequently updated by clock interrupts. Therefore, it is volatile. As such, when used, the compiler should fetch its value from memory each time. Typically, rt_clock has only one writer (the clock interrupt), and its use elsewhere is usually read-only. Hence, it is declared as const, indicating that this variable should not be modified here. Thus, volatile and const are not contradictory. In fact, it is meaningful for an object to possess both these attributes simultaneously.

Embedded systems programmers often deal with hardware, interrupts, RTOS, etc., and all these require the use of `volatile` variables.

Literally, the term `volatile` means prone to change. That is to say, during the execution of a program, some variables may be unexpectedly altered. To save time, the optimizer sometimes does not re-read the real value of this variable but reads a backup stored in a register. In this way, the real value of the variable might be “optimized” away by the optimizer, or in fashionable terms, it is “harmonized.”

Using this modifier is like telling the compiler not to be lazy and to honestly re-read the variable! Perhaps my explanation so far is too “colloquial,” so let me quote a “master’s” standard explanation:

The original intent of `volatile` is “prone to change.”

Since accessing registers is faster than accessing RAM, compilers generally optimize to reduce access to external RAM. However, this may result in reading stale data. When the value of a variable declared with `volatile` is required, the system always re-reads the data from its memory location, even if the preceding instruction has just read from that location. Moreover, the read data is immediately saved.

To be precise, the optimizer must carefully re-read the value of this variable every time it is used, instead of using a backup saved in a register.

(9) References

  1. 蔡文龍、何嘉益、張志成、張力元、歐志信、陳士傑(2021)。C & C++程式設計經典(第五版)。台北:碁峯資訊。
  2. 劉邦鋒(2019)。由片語學習C程式設計(第二版)。台北:國立臺灣大學出版中心。
  3. My interview experience [2023/11/30]
  4. Microcontroller Embedded C Programming Lecture 149| Calculating structure size manually with and without padding [2022]
  5. C/C++ — 常見 C 語言觀念題目總整理(適合考試和面試) [2017]
  6. Classic C Interview Questions [2016]
  7. [面試] 聯發科技 MTK (內含考題) [2011]
  8. https://github.com/doocs/leetcode/tree/main



Yu-Cheng (Morton) Kuo
Nerd For Tech

CS/DS blog with C/C++/Embedded Systems/Python. Embedded Software Engineer. Email: yc.kuo.28@gmail.com