Cancelling Asynchronous Operations in Flutter: When and How It’s Achievable.

Ashish Sharma
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2023

Asynchronous operations are integral to the functionality of modern mobile applications. They enable apps to perform tasks in the background without freezing the user interface. In Flutter, these operations are typically managed using “Futures” and “Streams” combined with “async/await” syntax. While these mechanisms work well in most cases, there are situations where the ability to cancel these operations is crucial such as canceling a presently downloading file, and so on.

The Significance of Cancellable Asynchronous Operations

Consider a scenario in which your Flutter app is in the process of downloading a large file, and the user decides to cancel the download. Without the capability to cancel the asynchronous operation, the app may become unresponsive when the current context is no longer available in the widget tree which will result in a poor user experience. This is precisely where cancellable asynchronous operations come to the rescue. They provide a means to pause and gracefully terminate an ongoing operation when the user chooses to cancel it, ensuring that the app remains responsive and user-centric.

Implementing Cancellable Asynchronous Operations

Using Flutter’s CancellableOperations method, you can achieve cancellable asynchronous operations with dart’s async package.

Just add this in your pubspec.yaml:

sdk: flutter
async: ^2.11.0

This method provide a seamless way to implement cancellation mechanisms. Let's continue with our step-by-step guide on how to effectively implement cancellable asynchronous operations in your Flutter app, considering both Futures and streams:

Using CancellableOperations for Futures:

For Streams:

As for streams you do not need to use a completer or anything as the StreamSubscription class already provides this functionality.


  1. Cancellable Asynchronous Operations: CancellableOperations provide a built-in solution for managing cancellable asynchronous tasks in Flutter. This is crucial for ensuring that long-running operations can be canceled if needed, preventing unresponsive UI or resource leaks.
  2. Efficient Resource Management: By using CancellableOperations, you can efficiently manage resources associated with asynchronous operations. This helps in preventing resource leaks and ensuring the application's performance and responsiveness.
  3. Improved User Experience: Implementing cancellable operations with CancellableOperations enhances the user experience by allowing users to interact with the application even during time-consuming tasks. Users can cancel operations when they choose, providing a more responsive and user-friendly application.


CancellableOperations are a valuable feature in Flutter for managing cancellable asynchronous tasks. They contribute to a more user-friendly and responsive application by simplifying the implementation of cancellations and improving resource management. This built-in solution is a significant advantage for Flutter developers.

That’s it for this article! I hope you enjoyed it and leave a few claps if you did. Follow me for more Flutter articles and comment for any feedback you might have about this article.

I‘m Ashish Sharma aka theFlutterist. You can find me on LinkedIn or maybe follow me on GitHub as well.



Ashish Sharma
Nerd For Tech

TheFlutterist: Teaching Flutter in the most playful way possible. Join me in the land of widgets and hot reloads!