Cost to Build NFT Marketplace like OpenSea in 2024

Jonas Wald
Nerd For Tech
Published in
7 min readAug 9, 2023

OpenSea, one of the largest NFT Marketplaces in the Crypto industry has stunned many entrepreneurs with their achievements. According to a recent study, OpenSea has raised over $421 million in NFT sales since its inception which speaks volumes about its growth. No wonder, OpenSea has grabbed immense popularity and acts as an excellent venue for trading digital Crypto collectibles among users.

Though all these facts might be tempting enough to build an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea, the cost plays the ultimate role. The average earning people around the globe have some fears of starting an NFT Marketplace due to large investments and the risks involved. These times have changed now as quality solutions are available for an affordable price.

Anyone can start an NFT Marketplace and make millions in a short span if they can apply a few smart strategies.

Cost To build an OpenSea like NFT Marketplace

The reason I stress “anyone” here is because the cost of building an NFT Marketplace similar to OpenSea is quite budget-friendly. Though the final prize may differ a bit, the estimated price I have mentioned in the blog has been taken through a complete analysis.

Why waste time? Let’s get straight to the cost timeline to build an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea.

How much does it Cost to Create NFT Marketplace like OpenSea?

The approximate cost to launch an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea would range from $18,000 to $1,00,000. If you compare the cost with the average daily revenue you are likely to generate from such an NFT Marketplace, the profit is on the larger side.

In fact, for a long-term investment like developing an NFT Marketplace similar to OpenSea, the cost I have mentioned is not only affordable but can also act as a “blessing in disguise”. The expensive factor is no more a concern and entrepreneurs don’t have to worry about investing a lot of capital. However, some startups might prefer taking the premium route and for them, the cost could get slightly moved up.

To understand the price variations, you need to know the factors affecting the cost of developing an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea.

Factors affecting Cost to build NFT Marketplace like OpenSea

Just like every business, certain factors tend to play a vital part in deciding the cost of creating an NFT Marketplace. As a budding startup or cryptopreneur, you should have a clear knowledge of how the cost system works before entering into the crypto industry by going through these factors. Here are the factors that directly affect the cost of creating an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea.

Number of features to be integrated

OpenSea is one of the most attractive digital marketplace platform in terms of the features available. Many users have cherished NFT trading on this platform and therefore, developing an NFT Marketplace similar to it needs to have a mandatory set of features. For more engagement and new upgrading ideas, you can also include special features. However, the more the number of features, the cost could also jump up proportionally.

Blockchain system

The OpenSea platform runs on the Ethereum blockchain and therefore if you build an NFT Marketplace similar to OpenSea you will have to build on Ethereum. The Gas fee and Smart contract development charges on the Ethereum blockchain are usually high. You can launch an NFT Marketplace on other blockchains but the cost will vary accordingly.

UI/UX Design

The User interface and user experience are two key components while designing the architecture of the NFT Marketplace. For a simple design with a limited number of features, the cost is manageable. If you need complex and superior UX/UI designs, an additional cost might be required since it involves more hard work from the team of developers.

Legal and Regulatory compliance

While starting an NFT Marketplace similar to OpenSea, one of the important parameters is to get the license for the business. Another important aspect is checking the compliance and regulations of the location as some countries do not welcome Crypto related businesses. To take care of the legal consultations, you will need to hire a legal team which can add up to the cost.


Once your NFT Marketplace has entered the Crypto industry, you first need to promote and market your brand. The marketing factor helps to boost the user count and you can create a strong awareness about your NFT Marketplace among the traders. However, this can be an expensive process as it includes running marketing campaigns, community building, and so on.


Security is one of the factors that cannot be compromised at any cost. You will need a packed first-class security system for the long-term successful running of the NFT Marketplace. Notably, integrating more security features into the platform can increase the overall development cost.

Development method

The most significant factor while estimating the cost to build an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea is the development method you choose. If you prefer to develop an NFT Marketplace through a freelancer, the risk factor is relatively high. Usually, freelancers are specialized in one niche and though they cost less, they cannot guarantee success all the time.

Instead, you can approach a top NFT Marketplace development company where the number of benefits is considerably high. These companies have solutions for all kinds of complexities and eradicate the risk factor involved. Looking at the larger picture, the best possible way to develop an NFT Marketplace is through the guidance of a development company. This approach might cost a little bit more, but I would still back this option rather than a freelancer.

Speaking about these NFT Marketplace development companies, they usually provide two solutions for entrepreneurs like you. You can either build an NFT Marketplace from scratch or purchase an OpenSea Clone script. Both these solutions have different pros and it entirely depends on you to pick the ideal development method.

On that note, I would personally suggest you to go with this OpenSea Clone script and I can explain to you the reasons why I say so.

OpenSea Clone — Reliable Solution for Startups

Opensea Clone script is a readymade, prefabricated software that imitates the entire features and functionalities of a popular NFT Marketplace like OpenSea. It is deemed one of the best development solutions in the Crypto market. Experts have developed the script entirely for two reasons, reduced development costs and time-saving.

If you want to develop an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea from scratch, the process takes around a year. Secondly, the technical requirements are higher, and hence, the development cost can go above $1,00,000 easily.

Would you be willing to invest so much? Though the rewards are high, the Crypto market is highly volatile.

On the other hand, you can develop an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea within seven days if you opt for OpenSea Clone software. With all the customizations done, still, the cost of the script ranges from around $15,000 to $25,000.

Apart from that, the OpenSea Clone has several business benefits as well.

  • High scalability
  • Cost-reduced
  • Quick deployment
  • Terrific trading experience
  • High Customization Scope
  • Huge ROI
  • No need for technical expertise
  • Packed security

There are plenty more to grasp by purchasing this clone script. On that note, you can simply check out a renowned OpenSea Clone Script provider in the market by researching and they will provide much more information on that pre-made software.

Before that, here comes the most interesting part. Every Crypto enthusiast including you and me would have wondered what revenue options are available with an OpenSea-like NFT Marketplace.

Well, to answer that…

Revenue Streams of using OpenSea Clone Script

Since OpenSea Clone is almost identical to the existing OpenSea platform, the revenue options remain the same for both. Here are a few revenue generating modules if you opt to purchase an OpenSea Clone script.

Transaction fees

OpenSea generates most of its revenue through transaction fees and the platform has set 2.5 percent of the selling price for the buyer. In the readymade OpenSea Clone script, you can set the commission percentage for each trade that takes place. You can even lower the percentage at the start to attract more users and then increase it once you have made a name in the market.

Registration fees

OpenSea charges a small amount of fee for users who want to register on the platform. This is an optional revenue module for startups. Not all NFT Marketplaces have been charging a small fee for registration however, it’s a strategy that has worked well for OpenSea. You can either set a registration fee or make it free for users to indirectly popularise your platform.

Minting fees

Minting is the process by which unique digital collectibles including images, artwork, etc can be changed into NFTs (Non-fungible tokens). For each NFT minted on the OpenSea platform, a small commission fee is charged. By opting for OpenSea Clone software, you can do the same without any hassles.

Listing fees

The NFTs that are minted have to be listed on the Marketplace if the user wants to sell them. For the listing process, the OpenSea platform charges a small fee. By developing an NFT Marketplace like OpenSea, you will have the same option to charge a small commission fee for each item listed.

When you have these many revenue options by preferring this method, then, what is still stopping you from purchasing an OpenSea Clone script?

Get ahead in the race now before others step in.


On the whole, I have given you the perfect solution to start an NFT Marketplace business with low investment and high quality. Many startups have purchased it and made a hefty load of revenue in a short span.

Why don’t you join them? All you need to do is to pick the ideal NFT Marketplace development company. Your development project is completely in safe hands when you have passed this test.

Secondly, while picking the ideal company for you, go through the Client reviews on the website. Take a complete analysis of what they can provide and do not hesitate to take a demo of the software. Each of the NFT Marketplace development companies might slightly differ in the cost they provide. “Value for money” is the phrase that comes to my mind whenever I speak about OpenSea Clone script. What about you?



Jonas Wald
Nerd For Tech

I’ve been exploring and helping people to figure various aspects for one to build an empire based on the blockchain technology and crypto.