Creating the Snake Game using SDL2 and C++
I have been learning how to use SDL2 and decided to make one of my favorite phone games. This article will show my progress on that project.
I started by creating a window and renderer for the game to be played on.
Next I started working on getting the snakes head moving around and facing the correct way.
I then got the snakes body working correctly. The snake is stored in a vector and each time the snake head moves the last part of the snake is removed and added to the front where the head was previously at.
After I got the body working properly I added the apple for the snake to eat. This makes the snake grow by one each time it eats an apple. The apple then randomly relocates.
I have the game end when the snake hits the edge of the screen or itself.
The last thing I am still working on is creating the menu and UI elements. I am going to create a simple menu that starts the game when the player clicks the start button. I will also allow the player to restart after the game is over.