Data Literacy Chronicles: Continuous Quality for Data (CQ4D)

Krishna Chaitanya Meduri
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2024
CQ4D — as a corner-stone for better insights depicted as surrounding walls

Inception of Insight: Establishing the Context

As the morning sun cast a warm glow across the atrium of AAA’s (Augmented AnAlytics) headquarters, Aparna, the astute Data Strategist with a reputation for transforming data into actionable insights, gracefully navigated through the sea of thoughts that swirled in her mind following a high-stakes meeting. The atrium, a vibrant nexus of innovation and interaction, buzzed with the day’s early energy.

Aparna, acknowledging the shared resolve to untangle the web of data discrepancies, greeted Chris, a seasoned Programme Manager known for his strategic acumen. “Mind if I join you for a coffee? It seems we have a labyrinth to navigate,” she said, her voice a harmonious blend of warmth and determination.

Chris, recognising the gravity in her tone, nodded affirmatively, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of their mission. “Of course, Aparna. This puzzle you speak of, it’s the talk of the tower. The recent data debacle has certainly put us in uncharted waters,” he remarked, his words carrying the weight of the challenge at hand.

Aparna, with a thoughtful tilt of her head, acknowledged the magnitude of their task. “Indeed, Chris. It reminds me of the lessons etched in history, like the London Whale incident at J.P. Morgan. Misguided by flawed thresholds, even giants can falter.”

The duo, their coffee untouched yet their minds fully steeped in the task ahead, delved deeper into the strategies for navigating the murky waters of data quality. Aparna, with a strategist’s foresight, outlined, “We need to anchor ourselves to the pillars of accuracy, completeness, and consistency. Our data is our map, and it must be pristine.

Chris, with a nod of agreement, affirmed, “Indeed, and let’s not overlook the human element in our odyssey. Cultivating a culture where data is revered, and discrepancies are not just noted but acted upon, is crucial.”

Reality Check: Lessons from the Data Front-lines

As the early rays of the sun illuminated the ‘Idea Brew’ corner, Aparna and Chris, with their steaming cups of coffee, delved into the nuances of data quality, referencing real-world cases that resonated with the urgency of their mission at AAA.

Aparna, her voice a blend of concern and clarity, began, “Chris, the first lever, Inaccuracies and Inconsistencies, is vividly illustrated by the case of Equifax. Their erroneous issuance of inaccurate credit scores not only led to a significant drop in their stock prices by about 5% but also culminated in a class-action lawsuit when a Florida resident was unjustly denied an auto loan. This starkly underscores the repercussions of data inaccuracies on individuals and businesses alike.”

Chris, absorbing the gravity of the example, added, “Indeed, Aparna. And when we talk about Completeness, we can’t overlook the incident with Public Health England. Their failure to report 15,841 COVID-19 cases due to the limitations of the outdated XLS file format is a sobering reminder. The inability to capture complete data resulted in a public health oversight, potentially affecting thousands.”

Aparna nodded, her mind reflecting on the consequences of such oversights. “The realm of Duplication too has its tales. WinPure’s customer discovered their CRM data was inflated, with only 32,000 unique records instead of the presumed 70,000. This not only paused their business operations but also sparked internal conflicts, impacting their revenue and trust within teams.”

“The aspect of Timeliness is equally critical,” Chris remarked thoughtfully. “Black Tiger Belgium’s research highlights this, showing that Belgian companies fail to reach 6.75% of their active customers due to outdated postal addresses. This lapse in timely data updates translates directly into missed revenue opportunities from direct marketing campaigns.”

“And finally, Consistency,” Aparna concluded, “is epitomised by Unity’s Ad targeting error. Their shares plummeted by 37% when the Audience Pinpoint tool ingested bad data from a major customer. The result was a significant dip in the performance of their predictive ML algorithms, proving how vital consistent and reliable data is for maintaining operational integrity and stakeholder trust.”

Harvesting Wisdom: Navigating the Data Quality Journey

As the morning hustle of AAA’s headquarters buzzed softly in the background, Aparna and Chris, deeply engrossed in their dialogue at the ‘Idea Brew’ corner, began to explore the structural changes necessary to uphold and enhance the company’s data integrity.

Aparna, her eyes reflecting a vision of the future, shared her thoughts, “Chris, to navigate through these challenges systematically, I propose we establish a Data Quality Board, dedicated to implementing CQ4D — Continuous Quality for Data. This board will not only oversee but actively elevate our data quality across all pipelines.”

Chris, intrigued by the proposition, leaned in. “That sounds like a strategic pivot, Aparna. How do you envision this board functioning?”

“With precision and foresight,” Aparna replied. “The Data Quality Board will categorise our data-backed pipelines into four distinct maturity levels. This structured approach allows us to pinpoint our current standing and chart a clear roadmap for our data quality journey.”

She continued, outlining the levels of CQ4D — Continuous Quality for Data

Level-1: Monitoring and Alerting

“At this foundational level, we establish robust monitoring and alerting capabilities for our data products and processing pipelines. While alerts are raised based on predefined thresholds, they might not pinpoint a specific problem or incident. It’s about keeping a vigilant eye on our data landscape.”

Level-2: Metrics-Driven Quality Assurance and Defined Standards

“Here, we evolve to tracking quality metrics systematically, defining clear SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs for our data. This level is about ‘reporting’ — maintaining a pulse on our day-to-day operations, ensuring that our data quality is not just observed but measured and understood.”

Level-3: Automated Decision-Making and Defence Mechanisms

“At this stage, we empower our systems with automated decision-making, based on the metrics we’ve gathered. We also implement robust defence mechanisms, like Circuit Breakers for data pipelines, to filter out bad data. It’s about moving from reactive to proactive, harnessing our metrics to uncover speculative, insightful trends.”

Level-4: Advanced Anomaly Detection and Predictive Insights

“The pinnacle of our journey, where our systems, enhanced by ML models, not only detect anomalies but also discern quality trends over time. This nirvana state extends the automated defence mechanisms of the previous level, enabling our systems to learn, predict, and adapt autonomously.”

Chris, visibly impressed by the depth of the framework, nodded in agreement. “Aparna, this CQ4D approach could indeed be our compass in the quest for impeccable data quality. It provides a clear, actionable path and sets AAA on course for a future where our data isn’t just a resource, but a beacon of reliability and insight.”

📖 next page with additional details …



Krishna Chaitanya Meduri
Nerd For Tech

Data Engineer at Thoughtworks. Passionate about Distributed Systems, Data Governance and Functional programming.