Decentralized Chat Application: Dominance Over Current Apps

Pavithra Umashankar
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2023
Decentralized Chat Applications

Generally, chat applications include messaging, voice and video calls, and sharing media and files. Decentralized messaging apps are gaining popularity, offering increased security and privacy compared to existing messaging apps. The number of decentralized messaging app users is expected to reach 1.2 billion by 2025, with the market projected to grow to $17.3 billion by 2026.

Some popular decentralized messaging apps, like Signal and Telegram, have seen a significant surge in user growth, with Signal reporting a 1,200% increase in downloads and Telegram hitting 500 million active users in 2021.

We at Blockchain App Hub researched the drawbacks of current chat apps and developed a decentralized chat application that overcomes all potential risks in centralized apps. Here’s how we dealt with the solution!

Our Target Users

  • Privacy-conscious individuals concerned about their data being collected and shared without their consent.
  • Journalists and activists who require a secure communication platform to share sensitive information and protect their sources.
  • Businesses prioritize secure communication with clients, customers, and team members.
  • Government officials and politicians require secure communication channels to discuss sensitive matters.

Problems Faced By Target Users

Big tech companies, including Facebook, owned by META, have faced criticism for lack of transparency regarding user data usage for profit, including selling sensitive user data to Cambridge Analytica. META also owns other popular apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Messenger. There are similar other problems faced by every target user, namely,

Lack of Privacy & Security — The centralized structure of these apps means that user data is stored on a central server, which can be vulnerable to data breaches and hacking attempts.

Risk of Censorship — As the central server controls all communication, there is a risk of censorship or monitoring of conversations by governments or other authorities.

Single Point of Failure — In the event of a server failure, the entire network can collapse, resulting in user data loss and communication disruption.

Limited Control Over Data — With centralized chat apps, users have limited control over their data and how the app developers use it.

How Does Our Decentralized Chat Application Overcome Problems in the Existing Apps?

Blockchain App Hub has built a decentralized chat application on blockchain, using a dApps approach to address issues with centralized apps.

  • The data is secured by encryption and hashing functions, making it unbreakable to hackers. This ensures tackling data breaches and offering improved security to user data.
  • Our chat app is a distributed p2p system where all users have similar functionality without central control.
  • It stores user data on a block connected to others to form a peer-to-peer network without a centralized server. So, in the event of failure, the whole network doesn’t collapse.
  • Though blocks exist on all nodes, only the intended user can access the information. The user will have complete control over the data.

Stringent Features Integrated Into Our Decentralized Chat Application

Decentralization: Allows user data and messages to be distributed across the network, making it more secure and private.

End-to-End Encryption: Our app uses end-to-end encryption, providing higher security.

Access to DApps: It offers access to decentralized applications built on the Ethereum blockchain, including DeFi tools.

Open Source: Our app is an open-source platform, allowing for transparency and community involvement in its development.

Wallet Connect: This protocol allows users to connect their mobile wallets to dApps on their desktop browsers. Also, it allows for a more seamless and secure experience using DeFi applications, such as decentralized exchanges and lending platforms.

Mutual Contact Requests: This allows users to request to add a contact to their list while allowing the connection to ask to add the user to their list. It makes it easier to connect with new contacts and ensures that both parties are interested in adding each other as a contact.

Performance Improvements: It has made several improvements, including faster message sending and receiving, improved chat history syncing, and reduced data usage.

Our Decentralized Chat App Working

Our application connects users directly to one another through a distributed network of nodes instead of relying on a central server to store and process data.

During initialization, this application reads the buddy list from a local hash table and contacts devices via IP address and port number to check availability. It requires authentication using a username and password to prevent unauthorized access. Authentication is mandatory before message exchange between peers.

Existing App’s Flow

  • Centralized chat apps do not use public and private keys for encryption.
  • Users must download and install the app, create an account and verify it via SMS.
  • Users can add friends by phone numbers and chat with their contacts over a centralized server.
  • Account transfer is possible using phone number and verification code.
Existing Flow in Chat Apps

Our Decentralized Chat App’s Workflow

  • User shares their public key with their friend
  • User enters their friend’s public key into the private key field
  • User establishes a connection with their friend
  • Once the connection is established, they can start chatting securely.
Our Decentralized Chat App’s Workflow

Key Takeaways

  • Our app uses a pure P2P architecture with no centralized server and user-managed profiles.
  • The software has no mediating device; everyone is connected through a peer-to-peer network.
  • User login is done peer-peer with a two-way authentication protocol.
  • Messages are encrypted before exchanging between two or more peers.

What Next?

As the decentralized ecosystem continues to develop, a chat application on blockchain will likely evolve and offer users new features. With growing awareness of decentralized technology’s benefits, demand for Blockchain App Hub’s chat app on blockchain is expected to increase, leading to further updates.

Overall, our app represents a step towards a more secure, private, and open messaging platform, shaping the future of decentralized communication. Partnering with our blockchain-based app development company can turn your ideas into a lucrative business opportunity!

