Deep Dive into Thanos-Part II

Pavan Kumar
Nerd For Tech
Published in
7 min readMay 8, 2021


Monitoring Kubernetes Workloads with Thanos and Prometheus Operator

In Part I of this article we have understood the various components of Thanos and its use cases. In this Part II, we will configure Thanos with GCS ( Google Cloud Storage ) and understand how metrics can be retained for longer periods using Thanos. We will also configure Grafana to use the Thanos Query Frontend to visualize graphs from various clusters ( Thanos Queriers ).

Image Credits: Thanos website

What is the entire story all about? (TLDR)

  1. Install Thanos using the Bitnami Helm chart.
  2. Configure Thanos to use GCS as its Object store.


  1. A Kubernetes cluster ( Can be either On-Prem, AKS, EKS, GKE, Kind ).
  2. A GCP account ( To Push the blocks to GCS ).

Story Resources

  1. GitHub Link:
  2. GitHub Branch: thanos
Image Credits: Thanos

Installing Thanos in the Kubernetes cluster



Pavan Kumar
Nerd For Tech

Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer || CKA | CKS | CSA | CRO | AWS | ISTIO | AZURE | GCP | DEVOPS Linkedin: